The information contained on these pages are for the aid of tracing family history. The pages are not to be reproduced or copied from this web site.

The following records have been taken from the Parish registers of Budock.  The initial work of transcribing the Parish Registers (available in the Cornwall Records Office in Truro) was carried out by Jane Pollard several years ago with some help from members of the Budock Parish History Group.  Making sense of the sometimes poor handwriting is a difficult job, so this was a major task for them.  The records were later converted into electronic format by R. Barton at the instigation and with the help of the Online Parish Clerk for Budock, Hilary Watson.

The data on this page is Burials 1653 - 1839. After this date, the records can be located within the National Records which commenced in April 1837 Microfiche copies are available in some major libraries, most County Records Offices and the National Records Office in London..

The actual day and month of the record has been removed, so that the information cannot be duplicated and sold on. If you wish to have the full information, you can request a lookup by the OPC, or get a complete listing (including all dates) from the OPC or the address below.

Errors and omissions will inevitably be present in the data.  Please email or write so that corrections can be made. Email to roger.barton82@btinternet.com


A note on dates: before 1751 the new year started on Ladies day, 25th March.
The 31st December 1750 is thus followed by the 1st January 1750,
and the 24th March 1750 is followed by the 25th March 1751



Katherine d. Walter DANIELL was buryed the day of 1653
Elizabeth DOWNINGE widd:. buryed 1653
Jane TONKINGE was buryed 1653
Richard SOALE 1653
Grace BEACRES(?) widd: was buryed the of 1653
Samuell s. Nicolas LANHATHER was buryed 1654
Alice w. Rich. LOCKE Souldier 1. 1654
Mary d. Will: DERIGHT 1654
John s. Will: ffAMOUS 1654
John s. John YOUNGE of the Pish of Ride(?) in Hampshire 1655(?)
Thomas s. Henry GIDDENS 1654
Elizabeth d. Hermon BAVINCT 1654
Jane TEAGE widd: 1654
Barbary d. John WILLES 1654
Liddia d. Degory BROWNE 1654
Ann w. Dennis JEFFRIS 1654
Protezy d. John BOAZE 1654
John SURRY 1654
Will: s. Will: ffAMOUSS 1654
Rebecca d. Roger PHIPPINY(?) 1654
Thomas SANDRY 1654
Christopher LEE 1654
Mary w. Timothy ffISH 1654
Samuell s. Richard BARKER 1654
Walter DANYELL 1654
John s. John GOOSSE(?) 1654
Josias s. Nicolas KELOND 1655
Catherine d. Hugh PASKOW 1655
Alice w. Rich: STOGDAN 1655
Thomas s. Rich: STOGDAN 1655
Lovdy PEARCE widd: 1655
Hanna d. of Mr. CHAPMAN 1655
John TRESAHAR Gent: 1655
Grace d. John RAGLAN 1655
Will: s. Margery CELLY widd: 1655
John s. Peeter LILLYCRAP 1655
John PARKER 1655
Peeter HANNIFER 1655
Henry s. James KINGY 1655
John WICKET 1655
Barbary w. Hugh PRUST(?) 1655
Will: s. Henry GIDDENS 1655
Steeven s. Steeven REEPE 1655
Susan d. Thomas WOOD was buryed 1655
Richard PENROSE alis (alias) TOMADO 1655
Alice ODGER widd: 1655
Catherine w. Reynold DAVIS 1655
Margaret w. Robert GEAKE 1655
Abraham s. Umphy(?) BEAWES 1655
Bennate COALD(?) of Maunon 1655
Sarah d. James DOWNINGE 1655
James GUDRUDGE maryner of Darthmoth in Devon 1655
Jane w. John WILLYAMS 1655
Denis w. Edward STEEVENS 1655
Rich: s. Rich: STOGDAN 1655
Elynor w. Tho: QUINT 1655
Margery d. Phillip ACTKINS 1655
James s. James KNUCKYE 1655
Tho: BUTTON souldyer at Pendinis 1655
John s. Jo: ffOX Esq: Governor of Pendenis 1655
Rich: s. Rich: MARTINE 1655
Mary d. John CROWGY 1655
James KNUCKY 1655
Josiah s. John & Magdalen WAIS 1655
Gilbert TRESMENOR 1655
Anthony CRANE souldier of Pendenis 1655
Susana d. Tho: & Mary PARSONS 1655
Judith d. Thos & Mary PARSONS 1655
The daughter of James KINGY buryed the of 1656
Adam s. Thomas SPARKES 1656
Bathsheba d. Henry & Margret GIDDON 1656
John WOODE 1656
Elizabeth DEAWE 1656
Amy AMBLE 1656
Gabriell s. Gabriell GLANFEILD 1656
Jane d. John ffOX Esq. Governor of Pendenis 1656
John HARKER 1656
Evan(?) s. John RAGLAN 1656
John CROWGY 1656
Mrs. PARKER widd: 1656
Grace d. Christopher RINCH 1656
Susan d. DOWENINGE 1656
Will: LANE(?) 1656
- the sone of Richard SHERD(?) buryed the 1656
Will: COSTAN(?) Belonging to the State Ship Called the Charity was buryed the of Sept: 1656
John THOMAS belonging to the State Ship Called the Charyty was buryed the of September 1656
Steeven CANNON 7(?) 1656
Mrs. Susannah WHETSTONE 1656
Rich: s. Rich: OWLE 1656
Elizabeth d. John CLOTHER 1656
Margery d. John WILL:d (?) 1656
Henry s. Henry EDMONDS 1656
Margery d. John WILBURNE 1656
John s. John ffOX Esq. 1656
Pentycost PEARCE 1656
Tamsin CLAUSE(?) 1656
Margery CATES widd: 1657
Rich: s. George SOALE 1657
Elynor d. Henry & Ann ODGER 1657
Richard s. Will: DURDAN 1657
Abraham s. Abraham HENDERSON 1657
Rich: s. Christopher WOOLCOCKE 1657
Jane d. Nicholas BURYHEART 1657
Sarah d. William BENNAT 1657
Richard s. Richard BARKER 1657
Richard JENKINGE 1657
Christopher s. Mr. George BARNARD 1657
Mary d. John GOOSSE 1657
Rich: LOCKE souldier at Pendenis 1657
Katherine VIVEYAN elst(?) Lanhathar widd: 1657
Zenobya HIXE 1657
Samuell GEACH 1657
Ulalia w. Richard BADCOCKE 1657
Lancelot VIVYAN 1657
Margret w. Nicolas RILAND Jan.(?) 1657
- the - of Rich: & Margret NUKKY(?) 1657
Sampson JOHN 1657
- the wife of Phillip ffINCH 1657
Joan w. John RUDGE(?) 1657
John s. Samuell GEACH 1657
Jaon(?) ANGROSSE widd: 1657
John s. George SOALE 1651
John NEDHAM 1658
Willyam GEAKE 1658
Tho: RUTCHING 1658
Charyty w. John MOORE 1658
Margaret w. Tho: DUNSTENT(?) 1658
Joan HUTCHINS 1658
Mary d. John RAGLAN 1658
John s. Michaell RUSSELL buryed the of 1658
Martha w. Mr. Joseph THAMPSON 1658
Zenobya d. Michaell RUSSELL 1658
Richard s. James BADGE 1658
Mrs. Grace ROSKIMER 1658
John s. Steeven REEPE 1658
Thomas s. Walter PAULLY 1658
Will: s. Mr. Will: ORAM Nov 1658
Mrs. Ann TRESAHAR 1658
Argent w. Nowell TRESISE 1658
Oliver s. John ffOX Esq: Governor of Pendenis 1658
Elizabeth d. Mr. George BARNARD 1658
John s. John POPE 1658
Winyfred d. Steeven RICHARDS 1658
Mrs. Ann BUTLER 1658
Philis d. John PENTICOST 1658
Alice PEARCE widd: 1658
Will: HOLLINS 1658
Andrew ffERROWE Mr of a ship of Newe Castle was buryed the 1658
Nowell TRESSISE was buryed 1659
Henry GIDDENS 1659
Sargent John CLEY 1659
Mary d. George GEY 1659
Barbary JOHNS 1659
fflorence HODGE widd: 1659
Sar: George GEY 1659
John CARLILE day 1659
Sarah d. John CAPLE 1659
Thomas QUINT Souldier 1659
Willyam EUERRARD sone unto Ralfe EUERRARD gent: of the County of Essexe was buryed the first day of 1659
Mary ANGILLY widd: 1659
Jane d. John CAPLE 1659
Edward CROSLY(?) 1659
Josias TRIGGS 1659
Julyan d. Will: ANGILLY 1659
John s. Elias GEORGE 1659
Alice w. Joseph JEWELL 1659
Jane d. Edward PEARCE 1659
Walter NEWMAN 1659
Joan w. Thomas TRESMENOW 1659
Will: s. Mr. Will: &. Mrs. Judith ELYOT 1659
Elizabeth d. Tho: GWIN 1659
John s. Capt. John WOOD 1659
Mary d. Henry ffORD 1659
John JENKENS a seaman 1659
John s. Jacob PERKINS 1659
Honnor JOHNS els TUCKER was buryed the Day of December 1659
Grace the wife of Henry ODGER 1659
Will: s. Will: DANIELL 1659
Buryed the Day of January an outlandish man beange a passingor in Capt. Cards ship in the yeare1659
Thomas YOUNGE 1659 on of Capt. Green's men
Annie LANNER widd: 1659
Mary d. Tho: Stacy 1659
Elizerous(?) d. Elyzabeth s. & d. to Anthony PENWARNE 1659
Thomas WATERS & ffrancis his daughter 1659
Rich: s. Mr. Will: ARUNDELL 1659
Honor d. James STEEVENS(? ) 1659
Joan LOWRY widd: 1660
Thomas STENSON 1660
Thomas ENNER 1660
Ann d. James GEORGE 1660
Thomas WOOD 1660
Will: TRURON 1660
Samuell ANGROSSE 26 1660
James s. Robert OKE(?) 1600
Henry s. Henry & Alice DOLTON 1660
Elizabeth d. ffrancie HODGE 1660
Mary w. Nicolas ARUNDELL 1660
Moses s. Henry & Alice DOLTON was borne the & buryed the 1660
Robert CREALE(?) 1660
Nicolas RELEND Sould: 1660
Joan BENNAT widd: 1660
Richard STEVENS 1660
Robert BEAWES 1660
Steeven PENWARNE of the pish of Rame 1660
Isabell d. John DOWNINGE 1660
John s. Tho: COOM(?) 1660
Richard MENKEY 9(?) 1660
Henry ODGER Dec.1660
Alice w. Thomas CLARKE 1660
Edmond LOWRY 1660
John HOLLINS 1661
James HEAWERNE 1661
Honner d. James STEEVENS 1661
Thomas BARLEY belongeainge to a state man of war of Amsedam was buryed the Day of 1661
Thomas ENER 1661
Susan the wife of James DOWNINGE 1661
ffrancis d. Mr. George & Mrs. Elizabeth BARNARD 1661
Elizabeth BUCKLER widd: 1661
Simon LELEVAN 1661
Richard NUTBY 1661
John TAYLOR was buryed the of Jully 1661
Jacob DOWNING 1661
Thomas JOHNS 1661
Mary d. Will: BRIGHT 1661
Judith w. Will: DANYELL 1661
Will: BADCOCKE 1661
Henry CARY seaman of the towne of North Yermoth beinge under the command of Mr. John Pots of the same towne was buryed the 1661
Mary w. Henry SIMONS 1661
Grace ROSETER widd: 1661
Willyam ANGILLY 1661
Epiphany w. John WILLYAMS 1661
Mary LONGE 1661
Thomas s. Mr. Thomas KNYVETT 1661
Nicolas TILLER 1661
Peternell w. Will: HAWARD 19(?) 1661
John JAMES a souldier 1661
Henry REESES a master of a ship of North Yermoth called the Prosperous ffisher was buryed the Day of 1661
Millyar w. ffrancis HODGE 1661
John TEAGE 1661
Mr. Willyam ELYOTT 1662
James TOMADO 1662
fflorence w. Thomas ODGER 1662
Joan w. Peeter GRENFEILD 1662
Ann d. Samuell PEARD 1662
Honner d. John TAYLDER 1662
John s. Thomas GWIN 1662
Sara d. Steeven PURDEWE 1662
John s. Mr. James PROWSE 1662
Catherin PASKOWE widd: 1662
ffrancis d. Jo: WILLYAMS 1662
Willyam s. John WILLYAMS Dec.1662
Thomas ODGER 1662
Richard s. Rich: ROUNSIVALL 1662
Edmond LILLYCRAP 1662
Capt. Paull ROCH 1662
Willyam CORNISH of the pish of Breag beinge a souldyer in Capt. Jo: Arundel's Company was buryed the day of 1662
John s. Steeven REEPE 1662
John s. Mrs. Joan ROCH widd: 1662
Willyam BRIGHT 1662
John s. Thomas WOOLCOCK 1662
Willmot w. James GEORGE 1662
Mary d. Willyam BOSWATHICK 1662
George s. Henry EMOT 1662
Grace d. Charles JOHNSON 1662
Penelopy & Joan the daughters of Willyam SIMONS were buryed 1663
Mrs. Ann KEAT 1663
Mr. Nicolas KEATE 1663
Richard s. John BOSWATHICKE 1663
Ann d. Will: SIMONS 1663
Martha d. Richard SHORT 1663
Margret d. Robert THOMAS 1663
Thomas s. David HUTCHINGS 1663
Jane d. Christopher WOOLCOCKE 1663
Steeven REEPE 1663
Jane d. Mr. John NEWMAN 1663
Margret w. George DREWE 1663
Margret(?) MENKEY widd: 1663
The daughter of Mr. Theophylus WILLIS was borne the day of & buryed the last day of the same month
ffrancis s. Joan WYET 1663
John WYET 1663
Grace the base child of Phillis REED 1663
Joffry COBB Mr. of a ship of North Yearmoth was buryed the day of 1663
Jane TEAGE 1663
Richard TREMAINE gent: 1663
Elizabeth d. Mr. Thomas GWIN 1663
Ann w. Will: DYER 1663
Thomas s. John GOOSE 1663
Judith d. Mr. Will: ELIOT 1663
Epiphany d. John RICHARDS 1663
John RECKET 1663
Elizabeth d. Will: DUNCASSE 1663
Joan COMFORD 1663
Willyam s. Wm: DYER 1663
Mary d. Mr. George BARNARD 1663
Thomas LANHATHERN 1663
John s. Nicolas ARUNDELL 1663
Elizabeth d. John JOANS 1663
Grace w. Wm: DERIGHT 1663
Patience w. John PERKINS 1663
Aribella HAMBLY 1663
Henry s. Margery WYET widd: 1663
Willyam DERIGHT 1663
Joell s. Goerge RICHARDS 1663
Ann d. John POPE 1664
Honner d. Mr. George GILBERT buryed ye of 1664
Thomas BENNETT 1664
Joan JOHNS widd: 1664
ffrancis s. Margery CARNSEW widd: 1664
Rich: s. John POPE 1664
The daughter of Mr. Jo: NEWMAN buryed the same day (14 1664)
Mary d. Mr. ffrancis & Mrs. Susan GWIN 1664
Joell s. Joseph JEWELL 1664
Will: s. Will: DURDAN 1664
Pester s. Leonard TREGUNNA 1664
Solomon s. Jerwis BADCOCKE 1664
Margery CRESEDALL widd: 1664
Zenoby d. George JEWELL 1664
ffrancis d. Willyam MEDLIN 1664
John s. Mary COUGHLINGE 1664
Phillip s. Will: WOODYE 1664
Anna d. Cornelyus JOHNSON 1664
Ann w. Jo: EVENS 1664
Christopher GWIN Mayor of ffalmouth was buryed the day of 1664
Samuell s. Edward PEARCE 1664
Jo: EVA 1664
Thomas LONGE 1664
John s. Elias HEARD 1664
Hanna d. Will: REED 1664
Grace PEARCE 1664
Honner WOOD widd: 1664
Mary w. John CARLIANT 1664
Blanche w. Edward SHORT 1664
Mary d. Nicolas ARUNDELL 1664
? ? was buryed the third day of february 1664
Ann w. Richard WOOLCOCKE 1664
Mary d. Henry LINKCORNE 1664
John WILLIS 1664
John CORBAN Mr. of a ship belongeinge to the Citty of London buryed the day of 1664
Christopher KELLY of Plymouth 1664
Elizabeth d. Benyamine BEALE 1665
Honner w. Peter CLARKE 1665
John s. John RICHARDS 1665
Thomas HUNT 1665
Catherine ENNER widd: 1665
Ann d. Thomas KNYVETT gent: 1665
Alice STONE widd: 1665
Alice HUNT widd: 1665
John s. Judith EVA was buryed the day of 1666
Margret REANALD 1666
Maudlin w. Richard BAYLY 1666
James s. James STEEVENS 1666
Elyas GEORGE 1666
Alice LANNER 1666
Zacharyas s. Goerge RICHARDS 1666
John WEST els PEARCE 1666
Audry w. Alexander DYER 1666
Grace w. Henry HARRIS 1666
Jane d. Nicolas ARUNDELL 1667
Thomas STARY 1667
Ann PENTYCOST widd: 1667
Margret TRURON widd: 1667
Margret TURKER widd: 1667
Margery MOORE widd: 1667
Margret w. Henry HEARE 1667
Joan w. Richard STOGDO(?)N 1667
Grace GEACH 1667
Richard BAYLY 1667
James TRESAHAR gent: 1667
Richard WOOD 1667
Peter SANDRY 1667
Sarah w. Will: MORRIS 1667
Phillis BADCOCKE 1668
Annis w. George BARNYCOTE 1668
Mary w. John GEAKE 1668
Mary d. Arthur GEARE 1668
Willyam s. Umphry BARNYCOT 1668
Patience d. Nicolas CLISE 1668
Thamsin w. Thomas fLETCHER 1668
Henry HARRIS 1668
John RASSE 1668
Charyty w. Phillip PERYMAN 1668
Joan w. John JAMES 1668
John JAMES 1668
Alice d. John HAWARD 1668
Jane w. Willyam DUNSTONE 1668
Christopher s. Thomas WENN 1668
Simon s. & Jacoment d. Willyam BRIGHT 1668
Caleb s. Jaket HOLLINS widd: 1668
Nicolas POLLWINE 1669
Roger POTE gent: 1669
Joan w. Henry KNYVETT gent: 1669
Constance w. Richard STONE of ffalmoth 1669
Dorothy w. Elyas HEARD 1669
Peternell w. Peeter GEAKE 1669
Roger Bartlet 1669
James TRENWITH 1669
Margery w. James TRESAHAR gent: 1669
Aribella d. Leonard TREGUNNO 1670
Reynold s. Willyam HICKTS 1670
James s . James GEORGE 1670
Elizabeth w. John TAYLDER was buryed the day of 1670
John MOORE 1670
Phillis ENYGOE(?) widd: 1670
Christopher MILLS 1670
Mary MILLS widd: 1670
Alice d. John HAWARD 1670
George JEWELL l8 1670
Doctr Jo: WINELL(?) 1670
Elynor CARRO 1670
Charyty LINCORN 1670
Ann GEORGE widd: 1670
Christian WICKET widd: 1670
Joan w. Thomas ANGILLY 1670
Thamsin EVENS widd: 1670
Catherin w. Michaell HARRY 1670
Margret POLWIN widd: 1671
John KEMP 1671
Willyam DERIGHT 1671
Jane w. John JEWELL 1671
Joseph GROSSE gent: 1671
Richard WOOLCOCKE 1671
Willyam CROWGY 1671
Julyan JOHNS widd: 1671
Elyzabeth TREMAINE widd: 1671
John PERKINS 1672
Zenoby d. Joseph JEWELL 1672
Jane TREMAYNE 1612
Joyce d. Will: PREST 1672
Thomas CLARKE 1672
Elyzabeth d. John MOORE 1672
Richard s. Will: TRENWITH 1672
Catherin TOMADO widd: 1672
Mrs. Mary ELYOT widd: 1672
Thomas s. Nicolas CLISE 1672
John s. Richard JOBE 1672
Julyan WARNE widd: 1673
Julyan w. Thomas HIX 1673
Colan BLUET gent: 1673
Richard CROWGY 1673
Richard PAULE of ye pish of St. Iminder(?) was buryed the ninth of l673
Will: DUNSTONE 1673
Nicolas CLISE 1674
Margret d. John ODGER 1674
Ann d. John WILLYAMS 1674
Mary d. Will: DOWNINGE 1674
Mary w. Will: DOWNINGE 1674
Edward STEEVENS 1674
Elyzabeth TRENWITH widd: 1674
Ann PROUST 1674
Presilla d. Joseph & Zenoby BOADEN 1675
Richard s. Mr. Beniamine ROSCROGY 1675
Henry WINGER 1675
Mary d. Mary DERIGHT widd: 1675
Jane w. Joseph JEWELL was buryed the of November 1675
Henry WILLMOT 1675
Richard HARVY Dec.1675
Henry KNYVETT gent: 1675
Mary WISE 1675
John s. Thomas MEDLIN 1676
Henry GEAKE 1676
John JAMES. 1676
Thamsin BARTLET 1676
Mrs. Barbary KNEVETT 1676
Richard JAMES 1676
Alexander STACY 1676
Joan GLOVER widd: 1676
Martha w. Hue LUGGER 1676
Elynor GEAKE widd: 1676
Walter JAMES 1676
Thamsin d. Will: DYER 1676
Alexander DYER 1677
Zacharyas EASTCOT 1677
Samuell s. George GEAKE 1677
John s. John WILLYAMS els LABURN 1677
Mrs. Mary GWIN widd: 1677
Nicholas s. Nich: ARUUDELL 1677
Jacob MATHEW 1677
Goerge LUCAS 1677
Maudlin NICOLAS 1677
Willyam TRENWITH 1677
Thamsin d. Martine NUNN 1677
ffrancis BLUET Esq: 1678
Michaell LANNER 1678
John s. Anthony COCKE 1678
Phillip PERYMAN 1678
Prudence d. Arthur GEARE 1678
Mrs. Odilya KILLEGREW was buryed the day of 1678
Robert WEST 1678
Sibella w. Michaell BOSWATHICKE 1678
Elyzabeth JAMES widd: 1678
Joan d. Nicolas ARUNDELL 1678
Jacoment HOLLINS widd: 1679
Elyzabeth d. Anthony SANDRY 1679
Christian d. Alexander HOLLINS 1679
Jane d. Thomas TEAG 1679
Grace d. Thomas NOWELL 1679
Dynah w. Nicholas MUNSHEERE 1679
Joseph JEWELL 1679
Ann w. John MORCOME 1679
Gabryell TRESISE 1679
Phillip THOMAS 1679
Willyam s. Penelopy ESTCOT widd: 1679
Nicholas COFFIN 1679
Mrs. Jane BICKFORD, widd: 1679
Arthur s. John WILLYAMS els WEST 1679
Jane w. Alexander HOLLINS, 1679
Dorothy d. Nicholas TRESSEDER 1680
Henry THESAHAR 1680
George s. John ODGER 1680
Thamsin w. John DERIGHT 1680
Katherin d. John GEAKE 1680
Sarah d. John TAYLDER 1680
Willyam s. Nicolas TRESEDDER 1680
Christian KNUKY widd: 1680
Alexander PREAST 1680
Mary w. Peeter GAURD 25. 1680
Richard AKERLY 1680
Jane d. Thomas TEAGE 1681
Thamsen w. Anthony ANGILLY 1681
Elynor COCKE widd: 1681
fflorence BEAWES widd: 1681
John BOAZE 1681
Charyty COCKE widd: 1681
Edward GROSSE gent: 1681
Thomas CROWGY 1681
Peeter GEAKE 1681
Phillip RENFRY 1681
Ursella d. Martine NUNN 1681
Robert WEST 1682
Nicholas PEARCE 1682
Mary GEACH widd: 1682
Thamzin d. John RICHARDS 1682
Mary WOOD 1682
Willyam s. John WILLYAMS els LABURN 1682
Charles GEAKE 1682
Mary TEAG 1682
Elyzeuas(?) CONNON 1682
Willyam s. Willyam PREUST 1682
Joan BOAZE widd: 1682
Anthony COCKE 1682
Alice LUCAS widd: 1682
Margery d. Edward ROWE 1682
Will: DERIGHT 1682
Gartheret TREDENICKE dau. unto Thoman TREDENICKE gent: of the pish of St. Breag neare Ward Bridge was buryed the two and twentieth of 1682
Jane SOALE widd: was buryed the second day of 1683
John CROWGY 1683
Bennat s. Martha AKERLY widd: 1683
Peeter GAURD 1683
Richard PAINTER 1683
Christian w. George BENNAT 13. 1683
Anthony ANGILLY 1683
Mary w. Nicholas CLISE 1663
Katherin d. Anthony SANDRY 1683
Joan d. James GEORGE 1683
Julyan w. John MENKEY 1683
Richard MENKEY 1683
Willyam s. Will: DOUT 1683
Jonathan BLACKERLY 1683
Christian d. Will: PROUST 1684
Willmot THOMAS widd: 1684
Dynah w. Robert MORRELL 1684
Chessen LANHATHREN wid: 1684.
Edmond MEDLIN 1684.
Willyam s. Will: DOUT 1684
John RICHARDS 1684
Thomas PETCHER(?) 1684
John GEAKE 1684
Beniamin WOOD ffeb.1684
John WEST 1684
Oliver(?) LERYBY 1684
Denis EEEDS(?) 1684
Mary LANDRY ?)widd: 1684
John TAYLOR of Lanchessteere(?) was buryed the of 1684 Corke maker
Jacoment STACY wid: 1685
Joan w. Arthur GEARE 1685
Elyzabeth d. Richard THOMAS 1685
Arthur GEARE 1685
Peternell w. Charles JOBS & Alice their d. 1685
Judith w. Alexander WOOD 1685
Peternell w. Richard KEMP 1685
Ann JAMES widd: 1685
Ann HOWELL 1685
Dorcas d. Mr. John & Mrs. Alice MASON 1686
Jane TRESISE widd: 1686
Mary w. Richard THEDENHAM 1686
Will: s. George & Elyzabeth GEAKE 1686
Sarah DODSON widd: 1686
Ann WISE 1686
John JOHNS 1686
Anthony s. Anthony SANDRY 1687
Richard s. John LAMBURNE 1687
Mary d. Rich: WEST 1687
John HAWARD 1687
Christian w. John POLWIN 1687
Richard TREDENHAM 1687.
Ffrancis s. Benjamine ROSEKREEG 1687
Willyeam DOWNING 1687
Richard s. Mr. John & Mrs. Alice MASON 1687
Willyam DOWNING 1687
Margery d. Mr. John & Mrs. Alice MASON 1687
Elyzabeth d. Nicholas MUNSTEER(?) 1687
Christian w. Zacharyas CHENOWETH 1687
Joseph s. Robert KEEBLE 1687
Michaell s. Michaell BOSWATHICK 1687
Walter BOND 1687
Patience w. Will: GEAKE 1687
Sibella d. fflorence PEARCE widd: 1687
Elyzabeth w. Roger WEST 1687
Willmot GEORGE 1688
Dorothy MOSES 1688
Sarah d. James REMBERLOW 1688
John SMITH 1688
Mary d. Henry GEACH 1688
John s. Henry LETHERBY 1688
Elizabeth CLEY widd: 1688
Mary w. Henry GEACH 1688
Reenate (?) 1688
Joan w. John LAMBURN 1688
Jane MATHEWES widd: 1688
Elynor COPELIN widd: Dec: 1688
James THEWENCE 1688
Will: s. Thomas & Mary TEAGE 1688
John THOMAS 1688
Alice d. John KEMP 1689
Key TREENNE(?) wid: 1689
Will: ROSSAR s. Georg ROSSAR 1689
John s. John GEAK 1689
Henry s. Henry LETHERBY 1689
Martha d. George BLACKERLY 1689
Jane HAWARD 1689
Joan w. ffrancis JOHNS 1689
Honner w. Nicholas ARANDEL 1689
Elyzabeth COPLIN(?) widd: 1689
John GEACH 1690
Ann WOOD(?) widd: 1690
Henry(?) PEERSON 1690
Michaell ROWE 1690
Jane d. John MORCOM 1690
George COLLINS gent: 1690
Johanna d. Will: BROWN 1690
Henry ODGER 1690
ffrances w. James MEDLIN 1690
Thomas s. John PERKIN 1690
Blanch d. Christian ROWE 1691
Will: WILLYAMS 1691
Jane COLLY. 1691
Michaell s. Will: BROWN 1691
John DERIGHT 1691
John s. Will: EARLE 1691
John MENKEY 1692
Barbary d. Will: PROUST 1692
Gartheret WILLS els WEST 1692
Margret d. Will: WEARNE 1692
Valentine BLUET gent: 1692
John ELLOT 1692
Michaell s. Elyzabeth GEARE widd: 1692
George BENNAT 1692
John WILLYAMS 1692
Mary HEARE widd: Apr.1693
Alice d. Joan COCKE widd: 1693
Joan TREGUNNO 1693
Thamzin d. John MORCOM 1693
Elyzabeth d. Will: DOUT 1693
Elyzabeth d. Cleere SANDRY 1693
John DOWE 1693
Leonard s. Leonard TREGUNNA 1693
Mary w. Henry SANDRY 1693
Phillis DOWNINGE widd: 1693
George BLACKERLY 1693
Ann ODGER widd: 1693
Will: s. Thomas SANDRY 1693
Alexander WOOD 1693
Henry KARRE 1693
Susana .d. Anthony SANDRY 1694
Henry s. Henry ODGER 1694
John WISE 1694
Katherin d. Thomas MEDLIN 1694
Nicholas TRESSEDER 1694
John SANDRY 1694
John s. Phillip WILLYAMS 1694
Joan DAD 1694
Ann HOCKIN 1695
Rachell LANNAR 1695
Mr. James TRESARE 1695
Mary TAYLER 1695
William DOWNING 1695
Susanna d. Thomas & Penelope EARLE 1695
Anne d. William PRIOR(?) of Fallmouth 1695
Mary HOOKwiddow 1696
Grace w. Cleere SANDRY 1696
John BROAD 1696
Gill(?) d. George BARNICOTT of Fallmouth 1696
William s. Wm: WILLIAMS of Green Bank 1696
Julians WEST was buried 1696
Henry s . John & Mary INNIS 1696
Elizabeth w. George GEAKE of Falmouth 1696
Simon DADD 1696
John REAL Quaker was buried at ye Porend (Pound?) in Budock
John s. Philip & Sarah WILLIAMS 1697
Jane w. John MENKEA 1697
Clere(?) s. Clere(?) & Grace SAUNDRY 1697
Christian JOHNS 1697
John MENKEA 1697
Charles PETERS a Quaker was buried at ye Pound in Budock 1697
Rachell d. John.& Mary GEAR of Falmo. 1697
Zenobia ANGILLY widow 1697
Antony s. Benjamin & Eliz: ROSCREEGE 1697
Julian ORAM wid: of Falmouth 1697
Ruth w. Mr. James TRESAHAR of Falmo. 1697
Lovedy w. Charles APELBEE(?) of falmouth was buryed in ye Quakers bury plott 1698
Grace JONES of falmouth widdow in ye quakers burying plott 1698
Mary SAUNDRY 1698
Robert s. Mr. John ROBINS Loveday his wife 1698
Philippa BOSWATHICK of Falmouth 1698
Grace d. Henry & Grace GEACH 1698
Hugh s. Mr. John & Alice MASON 1698
Elizabeth MOSES 1698
Anne w. Edward PEARSE of Falmouth 1698
Mr. Nicholas TREDENICK 1698
Ann INCLAROND(?) of Falmouth was buried in ye Pound in Budock 1699
Elizabeth GEAR widow 1699
Wm: RAWLIN 1699
Charles s. John & Mary MORKAM of Falmo. 1699
Jane w. Thomas SAUNDRY 1699
William s. William & Gertrude WEARN 1699
Elizabeth WOOD 1699
Thomas MEDLIN 1699
Mary PERDUE 1699
Jane w. Robt. BENNET 1699
Margery WYATT of Falmo. 1699
Catherine d. Joan WILLIAMS 1699
Joan w. Wm: MEDLIN 1699
Grace d. Henry & Charity ODGER 1699
Ann COCK 1699
Barbara ANGILLY 1699
Avis GEACH 1699
Ebatt w. Wm: GEAK of Falmo. 1699
Mary DERIGHT Widow 1699
Robt: HOCKINS of Falmo. buried at ye Quakers Pound ye 8th 1699
Gartred d. Mr. John TREWINNARD buried at Mabe ye 1700
Sarah d. Azrubell & Joan STEPHENS 1700
Henry s. francis & Dorothy GWIN of falmouth was buryed in ye Quakers burying plot in Budock 22th buriall of an Ass.(?)
Margret TRELEASE(?) 1700
Stephen s. Charles PERDEW 1700
Julian ROWE 1700
George BENNET of Falmo. 1700
Robt. STEPHENS 1700
Ann d . Honor HELLENS 1700
Zenobia RAWLING 1700
Eleanor GEAR 1700
Nicholas CHOON 1701
Jane d. Phil: & Sarah WEST of Falmo 1701
Rachell d. John & Rachell BARNICOTE 1701
Wm. s. Walter & Mary MEDLIN 1701
Walter s. Walter & Mary MEDLIN 1701
Anne GEACH 1701
John GLANVILL 1701
Josiah SCANTLEBURY of Falmo. was buried at ye Quakers Pound ye 1701
Wm: EARLE 1701
Robt: s. Richd. & Mary THOMAS 1701
Gartred ye base child of Edwd. LOWREY by Mary Johns 1701
William PRISK of falmouth 1701
Alice w. John MASSON Gent: 1702
Margery LEE 1702
Peren s. Henry & Mary SAUNDRY 1702
Bridgett w . Richd. HARVEY buried at Gluvias ye 1702
Mary d. John & Abigaill GEAK 1702
Susanna d. Jacob & Joan GOLDSMITH 1702
John s. John & Sibella PEARD 1702
Jane HARE 1702
Nich: s. Nicholas & Mary ANGILLY 1702
Alexander HELLENS 1702
Jane COCK of Budock was buried at Gluvias 1702
Mary w. John ENNYS 1702
John ye base child of Mary JEWELL 1702
Anne LEREBY Widow 1702
Joan BENGEY Widow 1702
Sibella d. John & Sibella PEARD 1702
Thomasine HARDING 1702 at Gluvias
Wm: s. Thomasine YELLUM 1703
Eleanor BLACKLAYER widow 1703
Joan WILLIAMS 1703
Anne w. Richd. THOMAS 1703
Samuell WILLIAMS 1703
Mrs. Alice TREDINNICK 1703
Mary d. Christopher HUMPHREYS 1703
Mat: PAYNE was buried in ye Pound 1703
Anne d. Richd. THOMAS 1703
Anne SAMBELL buried in ye Pound 1703
Robt. BROWN was buried in Gluvias 1703
Anne d. Nich: & Grace RALPH was buried in Gluvias 1703
Wm: s. Tho: & Ann RAWLING 1703
John s. John & Eliz: RAYLE 1704
Mary d. John & Mary MORCOM of Falmouth 1704
Thomas EARLE 1704
Peter LYLYCRAPP ws buryed in ye Quakers burying plott 1704
Sybella d. John PEARD 1704 at Gluvias
Maudline BETTS(?) of falmouth buryed in ye Quakers burying plott 1704
Henry s. Henry & Mary PETTERS 1704
Martha w. Henry PRIOR of falmouth 1704
Bridget d. Christopher & Mary BENOAKE 1704
John STEPHENS & George REED of Falmouth were buried 1704
Anthony SAUNDRY & Robert HONYPHERE were buried 1704
Uriah MATTHEWS 1704
Elizabeth w. Benjamin ROSECREEGE 1704
Joane w. Nicholas CLYS 1705
Abigaill w. John GEAKE of falmouth 1705
Mrs. Ann RUSSELL of falmouth widdow14 1705
A base child of (John Sandleton(?) ye reputed father was buryed ich(?) ded(?) was baptised 1705 same day)
Henry GEACH 1705
Grace d. John & Sybella PEARD was buried in Gluvias 1705
Joshua s. Wm: & Ann PERREW 1705
Peter TEPPET 1705
Mary w. Charles HILLS 1705
Richard MENKEA 1705
Robert MINITE a Marriner belonging to Barbados ws buried 1705
Margret d. William DOUBT 1705
Charles ARBBY(?) was buryed in ye quakers burying plote 1705
Mary BLACKLER was buryed ye 1705
Thomas s. Thomas & Ann FAULKNER 1705
Elizabeth CLARK of falmouth buryed in Budock 1705
Grace MENKEA 1705
fflorence PEARSE of fa1mouth was buryed in Budock 1705
Jane w. of James GEORGE 1705
Eley(?) w. Emomiott(?) GARD 1705
Wm. LEE off falmouth was buryed in Budock 1705
Joseph s. Thomas LOWRY 1705
Jane d. Alexander ANDERSON off falmouth 1705
Penelope WILLIAMS off falmouth was buryed in Budock 1706
Jane d. John CLYS 1706
Susannah HOCKEN 1706
Thomas s. Mr. James TRESAHAR off falmouth 1706
Thomasine HELLANS 1706
Robert s. Richard THOMAS 1706
Jane BASELY 1706
Grace ye base child of Mary RAWLING 1706
John s. Wm: JOB 1706
Richard s. Richard JAMES 1706
Susannah TAYLDER 1706
Jane DYER 1706
Humphrey BARNECOTE 1706
Catherine w. of Humphrey BARNECOTE was buryed
Joane JOHNSON 1706
Ann TRIGGS was buryed ye 1706
Jane PETERS 1706
Sarah d. Wm: PERDEW 1706
Elizabeth CARKAGE 1707
Wm: MEDLIN ye sexton 1707
Edward GEORGE of falmouth 1707
John HILLS 1707
David s. David MANZER(?) 1707
Johannah d. ffrancis & Mary GAHD 1707
Grace d. Asdruball & Grace STEPHENS 1707

Fee for more Burialls after ye Register for Marriages

The Bowns of the Pish verifed the 24th. Day of 1677 by John COLLYER vicker: Richard Menkey, Willyam Geach Clarke, Henry Odger the Elder & his sone Henry Odger, Willyam Geake, Thomas Nowell, Richard Willyams els West, from Mainporth to Penwarne to A rocke that lyes in the lane northward from the White Wall(?) and from thence to A Rocke in Troune Moore wch lyes between Constanton Maunon & Budocke from thence to an old lane wch Joynes wth Rosecolas from thence to the River that Comes from James Davas his Mills Called Antron River wch Devids Budocke & Mabe & from thence to the Co1ledge.

A Copey of Mr. Wm: Grosses Will as farr, as it concernes(?) ye Bread given to ye Poor of ye Parish of Budock.
In ye name of God Amen; ye 15th. day off 1651. I, William Gross of Budock in ye County of Cornwill, Gent. etc. - Item I give & demise unto Christopher Mills & John Hocker Elected overseers off ye poor of ye parish of Budock for ye yeare aforesaid, & to their successors, to ye use of ye(?) poor off ye said parish for ever, one Annuity, or yearly rent off fifty two shillings lawfull money off England Issuing(?), & going out off one tenant(?) off mine neer Ponshardy Bridg in ye said parish of Budock (now in ye tenure off one William Dunstone his Assignee, or Assignes, the sd. Annuity, or yearly rent off fifty two shillings to bee divided by twelvepence ye week, & given & distributed unto twelve off ye poor off ye sd. parish in White bread at, or in ye Church of ye sd. parish off Budock on every Sabbath Day weekly. Too(?) have, hold, Receive & Preive(?) receive(?) ye sd. Annuity, or yearly rent of fifty two shillings unto ye said Christopher Mills & John Hocker overseers of ye sd. parish; & their successors for ever. To ye use & benefit off ye poor off ye said parish to bee delivered distributed & given During(?) ? maner & form aforesaid & not otherwise, the said Annuity or yearly rent off fifty two shillings to bee payd forer at ye forer most usuall feasts off payn(?) in ye poore (Ziz.) at ye feast off ye Annuntiation off ye Blessed Lady Mary ye Virgine & the feast off St. John ye Baptist; the feast off St. Michaell ye Arch Angle & ye Birth off God(?) Got(?) by even proportions for ever. And as(?) it happen ye said yearly rent off fifty two shillings to bee behind in parte, or in all affter any feast off ye feasts aforesaid in wch it ought to bee payd & not payd. That then it shall bee 1awfull to & for the said Christopher Mills & John Hocker, & their successors fforever, into ye said Messuage, Tenement to enter a distraine & ye distress there found & taken from there to leade, carry away & impound & retaine untill ye aforesaid Annuity off fifty two shillings wth ye arrearages there off (if any bee) bee fully satisfyed & payd, provided ? ? allways, yt(?) iff ye sd. overseers or their successors, or any off Then(?) doo divert ye sd. fifty two shillings to buy or otherwise than is before mentioned, or neglect ye distributing there off as aforesaid by the grace of one Mounth; that then this present guift & demise shall be uterly(?) payd & off none (?) extent in Law.
This is a true Copy taken by me - John Collier, Vicar

It appeared by a Small plate (melted down by ye Consent of ye parishioners, & at ye Cost of Mr. John Collier Vicar made into a Paten for ye Communion) that ye Parish Church of Budock was consecrated (at ye latest) in ye Reign of Richd. ye second, & probably long before, the said Plate having this date upon it: 1378. Phil Collier

Grace w. Andruball STEVENS 1708
Rachell d. James MEDLINE 1708
George RICHARDS of Falmouth 1708
ffrancis JOHNS 1708
Michaell BOSWATHICK off ffalmouth 1708
Jane STEPHENS widdow of fal: buryed by Mr. Quarme 1708
Henry PETERS of Falmouth 1708
Ann ye wife of Jerimiah BIRT(?) 1708
Edward s. John & Mary GARE 1708
Mrs. Hester TREDINNICK(?) 1708
Mary BENNET off falmouth 1708
Elizabeth ye wife off Clare SAUNDRY 1708
Henry ODGER(?) (?) 1709
Hot(?) HOWARD widdow 1709
ffrancis DAW 1709
Nathaniell TEDDY 1709
John RICHARDS 1709
John ODGERS off fal: 1709
Catherine ye d. off Hny. PERDUE off falmouth 1709
Richard DAVIES 1709
Richard DOUTE 1709
William WARNE 1709
Ann ye d. off William RAWLING 1709
Benjamyn ROSCRUDGE 1710
Roger WILLIAMS (alias WEST) 10(?) 1710
John MOORE off falmouth was buryed in Budock yard 1710
Mr. James TRESAHARE off Falmouth was buryed in Budock 1710
Joane ye wife off Thomas BROAD ye younger 1710
Jane MEDLINE widdow 1710
Nicholas CLYES 1710
James GEORGE 1710
Nathaniell ye son of Charles & Ursula JOB 1710
Margery ye daughter off Henry & Mary OLIVER(?) of Fal: 1711
Asdruball STEVENS ws buryed ye 1711
Eleanor RAWLING widdow 1711
Elizabeth ye daughter off Nicholas ANGELLIES(?) 1711
Ann ye daughter off Mr. Nicholas TRESlDDER & Ann his wife 1711
The widdow ELLIOT was buryed 1711
John MARKHAM 1711
Zenobia ye wife off Joseph BOUDDIN(?) off Mylor 1711
John DAVEY 1711
Johanna d. Nicholas & Ann TRESUDDER 1712
John CLYES 1712
Mary ye daughter off Mr. John ROBINS 1712
Thomas MEDLINE 1712
William GEAKE off falmouth 1713
John son off Thomas SAUNDRY 1713
Sarah ye daughter of John & Thomazine DOUBT 1713
Margery EARLE 1713
Mary ye wife off Thomas TEAGIER(?) 1713
Jane ye daughter of Eliz: PERKINS widdow 1713
Cathrine(?) ANGELLY 1713
Sibella ye wife of Mr. John PEARD was buryed at Gluvias(?) ye 1713
Eliz: ye daughter off Richard WILLIAMS 2(?) 1713
Eliz: ye daughter of John GEAKE off fal: 1713
Rachell PERKINS 1714
Samuell ye son off Charles & Margret PIDEW(?) 1714
Noell ye son off Noell TONKIN 1714
Philip ye son off Philip & Mary ROW 1715
Elizabeth ye daughter off Mary CLYS wid: 1715
Richard BEHENNA off fall: 1715
Mary ye wife off Richard BARNECOATE 9(?) 1715
Wm: RYNOLLS 1715
Margret ye daughter off George & Ann DOUBT 1715
Mary ye daughter off Roger & Ann HILLS 1715
Eliz: ye wife off Clare Clare SAUNDRY off fal: 1715
Sarah ye daughter off Philip WILLIAMS Oct 1715
Clare SAUNDRY 1715
Margret ye daughter off Thomas LAWRY Nov 1715
Margret CRYLL wid: Dec 1715
Maudline ye wife off John ENNYS 1715
Anthony ye son off Clare SAUNDRY 1715
John ye son off Charles & Ursula JOB 1715
John GLASSON 1715
Elizabeth WATKINS of fal: 1715
Protosia(?) the wife off Richard HITCHENS(?) 1716
Henry PRYOR 1716
Sarah ye daughter off Benjamyn ROSEGREDGE(?) 1716
Peter COPLINE 1716
Jane ye wife off Wm: GEACH 1716
Philip ye son off Philip & Mary ROWE 1716
Sarah RENRY 1716
Eliz: SMITH 1716
Edward LAWRY 1716
Mary ye daughter off John & Ann JOB 1716
James GEACH 1716
Henrry(?) OGERS 1716
Joseph FORD(?) of falmouth 2(?) 1716
Alice CORNISH(?) 1716
Susanna GOUDSMITH 1716
Ann the wife off Roger WILLS 1716
Catherine ye wife off Richard BARNECOATE 1716
Alice the wife off John JOLLY 1716
John ye sonn off Philip & Mary ROW 1717
Roger HENDRA 1717
John ye son off John & Ann GEACH 1717
John ye sonn off Richard & Grace WILLIAMS 1717
Thomazine ye wife off John DOUBT 1717
Ann HUGO 0ct. 1717
Ann ye wife off George DOUBT february 1717
Robert ROSEMANUS 1717
William THOMAS was buryed ye 1717
Mary ye wife off John LESSEN ye same day ( 1717)
Mary ye wife off George DOUBT 1717
Wm: ye sonn off Wm: & Gerthrud GLASSON 1718
Mary EARLE 1718
Bathsheba ye wife off Thomas DEWSTOE 1718
John STEPHENS 1718
Eliz: HELLONS 1718
Margiraet ye daughter off Christopher & Grace HENDRA 1718
Wm: ye sonn of francis ROW 1718
John ENNYS 1718
Joane ye wife of Henry COPLINE 1718
Grace ye daughter of Thomas BENHALINE 1718
Wm: ye son of John DOWNING 1718
Nicholas ye son of Nicholas & Grace RALPH 1718
Milscind(?) HIGGO 1719
Jane ye daughter of John DOWNING 1719
Mary ye wife of James WILLIAMS 1719
William the son of William & Mary TRESEDDER 1719
Philipah d. John & Mary THOMAS 1719
William s. Wm. & Ann NOWELL 1719
John s. Anthony HIGGO 1719
Mrs. Ann PEEL of falmouth 1719
Thomas s. Philip & Mary ROE 1719
Constance ROUSE 1719
John s. John & Charity BARNICOAT 1719
Abraham s. Abraham & Ann THOMAS 1719
Mary d. John & Mary THOMAS 1719
Thomas BISHOP 1719/20
Catherine d. Frances ROW 1719/20
Joane QUINTRELL 1719/20
Lenard TREGONNO 1720
Ann d. Samuel PADDEY 1720
Walter MEDLYN 1720
Margaret HENDRA 1720
Blanch GEORGE 1720
Catherine MEDLIN 1720
Prudence w. Robin CLEY of Falmouth 1720
Peter s. Thomas & Mary TREVILLIAN 1720
William s. Thomas & Margrit BROAD 1720
Zacharias CLEMMOW 1721
Henry ODGIERS 1721
Susannah d. Wm. & Susannah GEACH 1721
Elizabeth d. John MORCOMB 1721
Gertrude w. John ROWE 1721
John THOMAS 1721
Catherine CUTBEARD 1721
Mathew s. Wm: & Jane PEARCE 1722
Margery EARLE 1722
Thomas GEAR of Falmouth 1722
Elizabeth PERKINS 1722
Wilmot w. Nicholas COMBELLACK 1722
Henry SAUNDRY 1722
Richard PADDY 1722
Mrs. Grace LEWIS 1722
Mary w. Richard WILLIAMS 1722
Grace w. Samuell HAYWARD 1722
Mr. Peter QUINNELL 1722
Emlin MOORE of Falmouth 1722
James MIDLIN 1723
Charles JOB 1723
Ann w. Philip GARD 1723
Humphry BARNACOAT 1723
Nicholas CARNBELLACK 1723
Robert CLEE of Falmouth 1723
John JAMES of the Castle 1723
Rachel d. John GEAR Nov 1723
Mary w. Thomas NOWELL 1723
John s. John & Ann JOB 1723
Joan w. Hugh DATSON 1723
William DOUBT 1723
Jane w. Henry HELLENS 1723
Samuel HEWARD 1724
Blanch d. Philippa ROW 1724
Grace d. Richard WATERS 1724
Mary d. Edward & Mary BLACKWELL 1724
Mr. John MASON 1724
Dorothy w. John GRENVIL 1724
William s. Wm: & Thomasin JOB 1724
Pascas COPLIN 1724
Charles PERDEW 1725
John JOLLY 1725
Mary BANFIELD 1725
Philippa WILLIAMS 1725
Gartrude HOARE 1725
Francis ROW 1725
Mrs. Dorothy TRESIDDER 1725
Thomas NOWELL 1725
Francis s. Wm. & Thomasin JOB 1725
Mary d. Ralph & Mary BAMFIELD 1725
David MALZARD 1725
George GATES 1725
Joseph MORCOMB of Falmouth 1726
Margaret LERABY 1726
Thomas SAUNDRY 1726
Richard s.Wm: SMITH 1726
Christian w. Thomas PASCOE. 1726
Eleanor STEPHENS 1726
Mary LAMPRY 1726
Peter PRISTON 1726
Philip s. Philip & Mary ROW 1726
Christopher BENOKE 1726
David s. John & Jane MORRACK 1726
Gertrude w. Wm: GLASSON 1727
Thomasin w. Wm: JOB 1727
William s. John & Ann JOB 1727
Christopher HUMPHREY 1727
Jane ANGILLY 1727
Henry SAUNDRY 1727
Edward DYER 1727
Honour HELLENSE 1727
John s. John & Honour WILLIAMS 1727
Nicholas ANGILLY 1728
William GEACH 1728
Simon TRELEAGUE 1728
Thomas TEAGUE 1728
Mary QUINNALL 1728
Thomas PASCOE of Falmouth 1728
Mrs. Joan ye wife of Mr. James TRESAHEAR was buryed 1728
Francis ye son of Anthony ANGELLY 1728
Elizabeth YETS 1728
Anthony s. Anthony ANGELLY 1728
John s. John TOMAN 1728
John GEAR 1728
Benjamin s. Arthur & Mary HARRIS 1728
Richard REYNOLDS 1729
John RASLEY of Falmouth 1729
Andrew BLAMY of Falmouth 1729
Mrs. WILLIAMS of Falmouth 1729
Peter s. Wm: HOSKING 1729
The daughter of John BARNICOAT of Falmouth 1729
Hannah d. Walter MEDLYN 1729
The daughter of John MEDLYN of Falmouth 1729
Thomas SOLMAN 1729
Richard STEPHENS 1729
Mary w. William MEDLYN 1729
Clare SAUNDRY 1729
Nicholas CLISE 1729
William s. Philip & Mary ROW 1729
Grace d. Philip & Mary ROW 1729
Christian d. John & Christian BAKER 1729
William JOB 1730
Richard s. Richard BARNICOAT 1730
William s. Robert BLACKWELL 1730
John TOMAN 1730
Catherine SAUNDRY 1730
Samuell s. Sam: PASCOE 1730
Grace d. John & Charity BARNICOAT 1730
William TROON 1730
Elizabeth d. John & Charity BARNICOAT 1730
Grace d. Clare SAUNDRY 1730
Joanna TROON 1730
Grace d. Daniell WALTERS 1730
Ursula d. Thomas JENKINS 1730
Nicholas CLISE 1730
Thomas LAWRY 1730
Joan STEPHENS 1730
Ann w. Mr. Nicholas TRESEDER 1730
Elizabeth d. Eliz: TOMAN 1730
Mary GEACH 1730
Elizabeth d. Alexander & Jane HOLLMAN 1730
Mary d. Thomas & Grace PENALUNA 1730
Joan d. Richard & Frances DOWNING 1731
Elizabeth w. Wm: BLACKWELL 1731
Mary d. John BATH 1731
Clare GEAK of Falmouth 1731
Nicholas s.Nicholas ANGILLY 1731
Richard THOMAS 1731
Elizabeth w. Anthony DOUBT 1731
Honour w. John CURTIS 1731
Jane w. John JAMES of Falmouth 1731
Robert s. Nicholas ANGILLY 1731
Barbara HUMPHRY 1731
John DOANING 1731
Jane d. Richard WILLIAMS Nov 1731
John s. John & Jane MORRACK 1731
Ann d. Henry & Joan BATH 1731
Mary BENNETT 1731
Thomasin ANGILLY 1731
Elizabeth w. Charles WILLS 1731
Ann GEAK Widow 1731
Christian COPLIN 1731
Charity ODGERS 1731
Gertrude w. Roger WILLS 1731
John HOWARD 1731
Thomasin d. Thomas & Jane MEDLYN 1731
John WERRY 1731
Philip RUNNELLS 1732
Richard SHELFORD 1732
Susanna d. Thomas PRIOR 1732
A ? s. John TOMAN 1732
John CURTIS 1732
William CLEA of Falmouth 1732
Evans ASHFORD of the Parish of Falmouth 1732
Richard BARNICOAT 1732
Margaret LAWRY 1732
Jane d. Richard DOWNING Oct 1732
Grace DERITE 1732
Charles WILLS 1732
Elizabeth w. Mr. CATER 1732
Thomas s. Thomas MEDLYN 1732
James BOLITHO of the Parish of Falmouth 1732
Catherine w. Nicholas ANGILLY 1732
Robert WOOLCOCK 1732
Margaret DOUBT 1732
Mrs. Nicholas TRESEDDER 1732
John RAIL 1732
Richard s. Jane SHETFORD 1732
Elizabeth EVANS Jan.1732
Richard WILLIAMS 1732
William CAMPBELL 1732
Joan PASCOE 1732
Richard JAMES of the parish of Falmouth 1732
Elizabeth DAW 1732
Anne JENNINGS Widow 1732
James MEDLYN 1732
Edward BLACKWELL 1732
Philip PARSONS 1732
Mary w. John DOUBT l4 1732
John s. Nicholas BAB 1732
Mary POLLARD 1732
Robert BLACKWELL 1732
Grace d. John DOUBT 1732
Elizabeth CLEA Widow 1732
Thomas PENALUNA 1732
William BLACKWELL 1732
Mary JOB Widow 1732
Elizabeth RAILL 1733
John GEACK of Falmouth 1733
Mr. John RANDELL 1733
Joan w. Daniel WATERS 1733
Mary BARNICOAT widow 1733
Mrs. Loveday ROBYNS 1733
Henry BRAY Senr. 1733
Philip GARD of Falmouth 1733
Mary GEAR widow 1733
William s. William & Liveday MIDLEN 1733
Mary w. Richard BARNICOAT 1733
Grace d. Clear SANDRY 1733
Elizabeth REINOLDS 1733
Susanna w. George CARTER 1733
Mary CLEA of Falmouth widow 1733
Mr. Richard MASON 1733
Catherine ROW 1733
Ann d. Nicholas & Mary TRESEDDER 1733
Mary w. Arthur HARRIS 1733
Mary w. John STEPHENS 1733
Margaret SANDRY 1733
Catherine w. Stephen BLITH 1733
Stephen BLITH 1734
Elizabeth d. John BETTERSWORTH 1734
Henry PRYOR 1734
William s. William ROLLING 1734
Margery d. Mr. Richard & Mrs. Margery MASON 1734
Susanna d. Thomas & Mary HITCHENS 1734
Thomas s. Thomas THOMAS 1734
Edmund s. James & Mary MIDDLING 1734
William s. John & Charity BARNICOAT 1734
John LESSON 1734
Dorothy w. Simon TREGUNNA 1734
Clear SANDRY Nov 1734
Ann w. William NOWELL 1734
Thomas NOY 1734
Catharine d. John BAKER 1734
Robert MIDDLING 1734
William RAWLIN 1734
William s. Francis & Eleanor ROWE 1735
Elizabeth w. Thomas JAMES 1735
Nicholas s. Nicholas COSIER 1735
John MORRACK 1735
James s. William HOSKIN 1735
Mary w. Mr. Nicholas TRESIDDER 1735
John s. Jane MORRACK 1735
Mary w. Ralph BANFIELD 1735
Florence w. Samuel PADDY 1735
Philippa d. Asdrubal STEPHENS 1735
Amy w. John MORCOME 1735
Elizabeth w. Simon PASCOE 1736
Anne MALZARD 1736
A child to Richard THOMAS 1736
Dorothy HEARL 1736
Grace KNIGHT 1736
A child to Mary BOND 1736
Elizabeth GODIN 1736
A child to Thomas WALTERS 1736
Thomas s. Anthony DOUBT 1736
Susanna w. Eli: MARTEN 1736
Simon TREGENNA 1736
Sarah ye daughter of Harmond & Susan JOHNSON burd. 1737
Catherine ye wife of Rd: WALTERS 1737
Edward ye son of Harry COPELING 1737
James WILLIAMS 1737
Thomas GEAK 1737
Richd. ye son of Willm. PEARCE 1737
Grace ye wife of Henry GEACH 1737
Alice ye daughter of Arthur HARRIS 1737
Grace ye daughter of Willm. MITCHELLS 1737
A child to John BARNICOAT 1737
William GEACH was buried 1737
Christian ye daughter of John & Eliz: MEDLIN 1737
John Hockin, Curate


William s. John MORCOMB
Anna w. Arthur HARRIS
Elizabeth CUTHBERT, widow
Jane w. Mr. John RANDEL
Edward s. Wm. & Ursula JOHNS
Lovedy d. Joseph & Lovedy MEDLYN
Mary MEDLYN, widow
Elizabeth d. Wm: & Susan GORDON
Asdruball s. Asdruball & Mary STEPHENS
Nicholas COYA
Mrs. Julian PENELUNA

Nicholas RALPH
Francis GEAR
John base child of Mary GEACH
Lovedy d. Joseph & Lovedy MEDLYN
Christian THOMAS
J. Hockin, Curate
Thomas s. Mr. LOVELL of Falmouth
Mr. John STEPHENS of Falmouth

Robert s. Roger & Rose WILLS
Robert s. Mr. LOVELL of Falmouth
Lovedy w. William MEDLYN
Catherine GLASSON
Mrs. Sarah MADDEY
Anthony GILLY
Joan HILL, widow
Jane w. Peter COPLYN
Elizabeth d. Anthony DOUBT
Mr. Richard MASON
Joan d. James & Joan RAWLIN
Mary w. Charles PASCOE
George Rashly, Ch. Warden; John Hockin, Curate
James s. James & Joan RAWLIN
Thomas s. John & Mary RICHARDS
John ROW of Gwennap

Avice d. Thomas & Grace WALTERS
Grace d. Simon PASCOE
Christian w. John TRESEDDER
Anne w. Richard WILLIAMS
Jane d. Henry GEACH
William MEDLIN
Mary w. John WRIGHT
Anne d. Mary PELLOW
Miriam w. Elisha MARTIN

William SMITH
Mary w. Nathaniel GREENFIELD
Anne w. William COLLYNS
Elizabeth d. John & Anne WILLIAMS
John Penrose, Vicar
Mary w. Asdrubal STEPHENS
John JOB
Christian w. James MEDLYN (aged 79)
Charles s. James & Mary MEDLYN
James MEDLYN (aged 81)
William GORDON (mariner)
Elizabeth COOKE
Jane RASHLEY of Falmouth
Anne d. William JOB
Jane d. William & Jane TRESCOWDERICK
William s. Simon PASCOE
William s. William & Jane RETALLACK
Margery PRIOR

Richard s. Arthur & Eliz. JAMES
Francis GEACH
Edward PRIOR
Elizabeth ODGER
Elizabeth MATTHEW
Mary w. Ralph BAMFIELD of Penryn
Francis s. Benjamin & Prudence ROSCREEG
John Penrose, Vicar
Jane w. Peter COPLAND
Elizabeth HOSKING, widow
Anthony DOUBT
Richard s. James WILLIAMS

Jane w. Joseph JOB
John GARD of the Parish of Falmouth
Nathaniel s. Nathaniel JOB of Mawnan
Anne w. Robert MEDLYN of Mabe
Benjamin s. Benjamin ROSCREEG
Antony DOUBT of Falmouth
John WRIGHT (the Sexton)
Susanna w. Christopher FRANCIS
Grace w. Joseph WATERS of Falmouth Parish
Margaret PURDEN, widow
Rachel GILLY, als. BRINDY, of Falmouth
Charles ANGILLY of Falmouth
Bryan SHERIDAM mariner
Jane SHETFORD, widow
Jane BAKER of Falmouth
Nicolas HOCKING of Falmouth
Mary d. John JEWEL
Nicolas ANGELLY, als. BRINDY, of Falmouth

Avice w. John GEACH
John Penrose, Vicar
Catherine w. John REALL of Falmouth
John CAMEL s. Joan Blackwell
Mary HOCKING, widow, of Falmouth
Joan, widow of Nathaniel WILLIAMS of Falmouth
Elizabeth ROBERTS, alias RICKETS
Thomas ROACH of the Dragon Privateer
Charles s. Sampson BONDS
Susanna, widow of Edward LAWRY
John s. Richard THOMAS

Jane w. William PEARCE
Grace d. Mary PELLOW
Elizabeth d. James & Eliz. MATTHEWS of Falmouth
Alice d. Cocstance, wife of George THOMAS
Christian d. Joseph MEDLYN
Mary d. John BARNICOAT
Jane d. James & Eliz. MATTHEWS of Falmouth
Elizabeth widow of Mr. John STEPHENS of Falmouth
Mary widow(?) of Thomas TREVILIAN
Anne w. George TREVILIAN
Thomas s. William JENKIN of Falmouth
Joseph s. John & Joan THOMAS of Mabe
William s. Wm. BLACKWELL
Richard s. Wm. MICHELS
Benjamin s. Benj. HARVEY of Falmouth
Grace d. Wm. MICHELS
John s. John BEELS
John s. John JEWELS
John Penrose Vicar
John s. John STEPHENS of Tregony
Grace d. George WATERS
Elizabeth d. William COPLAND
Elizabeth w. James MATTHEWS

William s. Joseph MORCOM of Falmouth
Justinian MATTHEW
Charles s. Charles HOSKING
Nicolas WATERS
Jane d. Nath JOB of Mawnan
Henry s. John BATH
James s. Wm. MEDLYN
Anne JENKIN of Mabe
Elizabeth d. John THOMAS
William KEMPTHORNE of Falmouth
Grace d. Wm. BLACKWELL

Rebekah d. Eliz. GOLDSWORTHY
Thomasine BARNICOAT, widow
Grace d. Mr. Thomas PEBALUNA
Thomas MOOIL of Port L'Orient
Theodora s. Benjamin HARVEY
Raymond PAVAR of Bayonne
Jean Gatinel of Nantz
Dorothy w. Charles COPLAND
Grace d. John WILLIAMS, alias WEST
Anne d. Alexander HOLMAN
Jane w. Mr. Samuel TRESIDDER
Philip GEARD
Elizabeth w. Wm. PELLOW
John Penrose, Vicar

Joseph SMITH (Soldier)
Dorcas w. Mr. Joshua GOODRIDGE
Constance JACOB, widow
Grace d. George WATERS
Mrs. Margery MASON, widow
Grace STEPHENS, widow
Mary d. Humphrey BARNICOAT of Falmouth
John s. John RAWLING
William s. Wm. PELLOW
Sarah d. Humphrey BARNICOAT
Anne d.William JOHNS
William s. John WILLIAMS
William s. George WATERS

Alexander HOLMAN, Jun.
Dorothy GLEWIS, widow
High s. Nicolas COAGA
Benjamin s. Benj. HARVEY of Falmouth
Richard s. Catherine LENDERYA
Elizabeth GREET
Charles HOSKING an Infant
William PELLOW
Robert s. John BEALS
Elizabeth SANDRY
John s. Henry JOB
John Penrose, Vicar
Mary w. Wm. MICHELL
Joan NOY, widow
William GLAZON

Anne d. Asdrubal STEPHENS
Richard s. Richard TIDDY
Mr. John GWENNAP of Falmouth
Joanna BARGUS of Falmouth
Anthony HARRIS
Mary d. William BLACKWELL

William s. Thomas PASCO
Thomas s. John FAIRBORN
Elizabeth w. William JOB
Charles s. Constance THOMAS
Mary w. Emanuel ROWE
Joseph JOB
Thomas PENELUNA, Jun.

Eleven days were omitted this year between 2nd. & 14

Henry s. Wm. HELLENS
William BEALL
Philippa d. James JOHN
John Penrose, Vicar
Mary d. Thomas NOWEL
Mary d. Robert PELLOW

Johnson HOCKIN
George s. John TREMAIN
Anne SANDRY, widow
Joseph s. Humphrey BARNICOAT
Samuel PADDY
Anne w. Asdrubal STEPHENS
Mary COCKRAM of Falmouth
William s. James JAMES of Falmouth
Mary, widow of John THOMAS

Michael s. Asdrubal STEPHENS
Peternel w. Wm. MINAS
Philippa. w. Asdrubal STEPHENS
Mary d. Wm. & Anne HARRIS
James s. James & Mary JAMES
Honour BAB
Noah s. John & Mary MEDLYN
Grace d. John WILLIAMS
Richard s. Richard TIDDY
Thomasine COPLAND
William SMITH
John Penrose, Vicar
Francis ROWE
Frances ROACH of Falmouth

Dorothy ROWE
Margery w. John BARNICOAT
John s. Ambrose GILL
Elizabeth w. Mr. SIDGEWICK
Ursula w. William JOHNS
Mary d . Christopher SMITH
William s. John RAWLING

William PEARCE, Jun.
Grace RAWLING, widow
Mary d. Christopher SMITH
James s. James JAMES
Mary d. John WILLIAMS
Rachel w. John JORDAN 44
John s. John CURRANT 7
Matthew s. William PEARCE, deceased 1
Mark s. John CURRANT Inf.
Richard s. George JOHNS Inf.
Jane d. Andrew PEARCE Inf.
John PENROSE, Vicar

Joseph s. Joseph MEDLYN 15
Nicolas s. Nicolas TRESIDDER Inf.
Sarah d. Wm. STEPHENS 3
Peter COPLAND 86
James MEDLYN 42
Mary GEARE, widow 86
Henry COPLAND 83
Jane w. Asdrubal STEPHENS of Mawnan
Spenser PARSONS 52
A French man was buried
William HOSKYN 71
A French man was buried
A French man was buried
A French man was buried
Alice w. Wm. REALL 50
A French man was buried
A French man was buried
Charity, widow of John BARNICOAT 70
Mary w. Sampson BONDS
Mary w. Thomas SANDRY 70
Blanch PHILP 70
Elizabeth, widow of Wm. HOSKYN 68
Anne d. Thomas PERRY Inf.
Elizabeth d. Sampson BONDS 20
Anne, widow of Wm. HELLINGS 47
John Penrose, Vicar

William s. Hugh COPLAND 22
Philip ROWE 72
Frances WRIGHT, widow (the Sexton) 66
Dorothy w. Wm. TUCKER 32
John RAYLE 45
Mary ROLING, widow 84
Thomas Stevens LILLY, s. John LILLY Inf.
Antony RASHLEY 50
Sarah widow of Benj. ROSKRUGE 61
Charity PENALLUNAH, widow 73
William TREVENA 47
Mary d. Thomas HITCHENS, deceased 26
Mary GEAK 40
Anne w. Mr. William EMMET 25
Thomas s. Christopher SMITH Inf.

Mr. Thomas PENALUNA 75
Elizabeth, widow of Francis GEACH 80
Grace w. Thomas WATERS 62
Rachel COAGA
John s. James ROLING 6
Christopher HENDRA 93
Mary w. Thomas PERRY 48
Sarah w. John LILLY 40
Amy, widow of John ROBERTS 78
Julian, widow of John STEPHENS

Margery, widow of Wm. RAYLE 73
Thomasine, widow of Henry GEAK 84
John MORCOM 77
Mary w. John HARRIS 29
William s. Nicolas BAB 7
Anne d. John MAY 20
Joan w. Simon PASCOE 75
Mary w. Mr. Thomas TUCKET 45
Jane d. George WATERS 13
Anne d. Martin GOLDSWORTHY inf.
Jane d. Thomas WILLIANMS 7
Jane d. Benjamin JOB inf.
Jane w. Thomas LAMPER 81
Jane, widow of James GEAK 82
Mary-Anne d. Wm. BARNICOAT 1
Sampson s. Benj. HARVEY inf.
William s. Thomas ROLING inf.
Thomas s. John RICHARDS 3
Jane d. John BAKER 1

John s. John MICHELS inf.
Thomas s. Richard THOMAS inf.
Arthur HARRIS 62
Catherine d. Stephen THOMAS 1
John HARRIS 35
Richard s. Stephen THOMAS 3
Sarah d. Thomas PERRY 3
John Penrose, Vicar
Elizabeth, widow of Hugh DOTSON
Christian BAKER, widow 67
Anne d. Thomas SCHOLAR 1
Thomas SAUNDRY 80
Benjamin TREWEEKE 51
Elizabeth d. John THOMAS 3
Jane d. Alexander HOLMAN 30
Dorothy w. Rd. THOMAS 57
Ursula, widow of Charles JOB 86

Martin s. John GODENCH inf.
Honour PAYNTER, widow 82
Robert s. Robert TREMAYNE 1
Thomas s. William PEARCE, deceased 9
William PEARCE 74
Edward LAWRY 63
Margaret w. George HIGDEN 62
Joan, widow of John HARVEY 55
Simon PASCO 74

William s . Hugh COPLAND
Dorothy d. John LAWRY inf.
Charity d. Henry BARNICOAT 3
Bridget, widow of John TUCKER 71
John s. John YEOMAN Inf.
Joan d. James RAWLING ?1
William s. John WILLS Inf.
Jane w. Alexander HOLMAN 58
Peter ALLEAN old
Jenefer d. Wm. RAWLINGS inf.
John s. John MOYLES inf.

BURIALS 1764 'vide infra.'
Abigail (alias HELLINGS), widow 62
Loveday w. Joseph MEDLYN 61
Joan ROWE 85
- - Mary d. Nathaniel JOB of Mawnan 19

Anthony STEPHENS 48
James s. Antony STEPHENS, deceased 5
Mary w. Rd. THOMAS 32
William s. Wm. PEARCE, deceased 20
Anne, widow of John JOB old

BURIALS 1764 (vid. supra.)
Susanna w. Thomas EVANS 33
Grace d. Hugh COPLAND 27
William STEPHENS 53
Elizabeth w. Thomas PENALLUM 38
John Penrose, Vicar

BURIALS 1765 (cont.)
Thomas PERRY
Mr. Anthony CHENHALL 48
Alexander HOLMAN 66

Diana d. Wm. TUCKER Inf.
William TRESIDDER 86
Grace, widow of William JOB 90
Sarah w. John BARNICOAT 63
Thomas s. Thomas WIDGWICK, deceased 7
Mary d. Humphry BARNICOAT Inf.
Grace d. Francis GEACH 10
Jane d. Wm. BLACKWELL 5
Edward s. John MEDLYN 12
John s. Rd. THOMAS Inf.
John s. John MEDLYN 8
John s. John BAKER 4
William s . Francis GEACH 8
William s. John WILLS 2
Samuel s. Sam. TRESIDDER 19
Thomasine d . Nicolas TRESIDDER Inf.
Joanna d. John RICHARDS 3
Rachel d. John BARNICOAT 1
Henry s. Henry BARNICOAT 3
John MAY 67
John Penrose, Vicar
George s. George ROBERTS 2
Grace THOMAS 8

Elizabeth BARNICOAT 70
Frances w. Rd. DOWNING 74
Richard DOWNING 63
Richard BARNICOAT 73
Mary d. Samuel RETALLACK 20
Anne d. James ROLING 22
Grace PRIOR 29
Anne PASCOE 66
Philip s. John & Jane CURRANT 3
Jane d. John & Jane CURRANT 6
Alice d. Nicolas CURRANT
William s. Wm. HELLINGS
Elizabeth d. John & Eliz. MEDLYN 6
Maria HOCKIN 14

William s. John THOMAS 21
Mary d. Wm. HILL inf.
Mary JOB 33
Charles JOB 88
Jane MEDLYN 80
Peggy d. Daniel ROWE 1
Nicholas RICHARDS 68
Alice d. Peter WARREN 2
Dorcas d. Wm. HELLINGS inf.
Elizabeth BOTTEREL 60
Margery widow of Wm. PEARCE 45
Grace w. Thomas WEARNE 48
Richard s. John THOMAS 12
James s. John THOMAS 5
Grace d. John THOMAS 16

Edward s. Edw. BROADWAY inf.
Susanna widow of Harman JOHNSON
Francis JOB 67
Asdrubal STEPENS 68
Anne w. Stephen HOLMAN 36
Anne d. Stephen HOLMAN 3
Thomas LAMPARA 80
Anne, widow of Thomas HELLINGS 67
William HILL 46
Keturah w. John ADAMS
Daniel WATERS 81
Anne d. Wm. HELLINGS inf.
Richard DAVIS of Mawgan 65
Mr. Henry CONSTABLE of Falmouth 76

Mary w. Richard LAWRY 30
Phyllis d. Rd. RICHARDS inf.
Elizabeth w. Matthew POSON 48
Thomas WATERS 70
John Penrose, Vicar
Stephen s. Stephen HOLMAN 7
Thomas s. John RICHARDS 3
William TUCKER 44
Wilmot w. Peter RENFREE 57
Catherine d. John THOMAS 40
Catherine d. Richard TORN inf.
Grace, widow of Thomas PENALUNA 72
John s. Thomas POLLY? 1
Grace w. John THOMAS 51
Elizabeth w. Richard THOMAS 27
Caroline w. Edward TOBIN 32

Phyllis w. Wm. MEDLYN 69
Elizabeth d. Thomas PASCO 23
William JOHNS 70
William HOCKIN inf.
Nicholas TRESIDDER 52
Mary d. Christopher SMITH 15
Antony TRIGLOWN 85
Anne d. Wm. TUCKER, deceased 15
Margaret, widow of Wm. SMITH 92
John WILLS 36
Edward s. Wm. MICHELL 3
Mary w. Henry DUNCALF 37
John Penrose, Vicar
John s. Rd. BARNICOAT 2
Elizabeth CHAMPION inf.
Mary w. James SMITH 50
Francis ROBYNS 86
Jane w. Wm. ROGERS 26
Elizabeth d. John BOLITHO 6
Elizabeth w. Thomas PRIOR 50
Jane d . John BOLITHO 4
Christian w. Peter WARREN inf.
Henry s. Henry HOSKIN 8
John s. Benjamin STEPHENS inf.
Susanna, widow of Peter ALLEAN 74
John s. Wm. BARNICOAT 3
Joan d. James CHRISTOPHERS 2
Charity widow of Edward LAWRY 72
Benjamin JOB 53
John s. Humphry BARNICOAT inf.
Emanuel ROWE 67
Elizabeth d. Rd. BARNICOAT inf.
Richard s. Rd. BARNICOAT 5
Jintzy d. George ROBERTS 1
Sarah d. George ROBERTS 4
Thomas s. Henry HOSKING 1
Mary w. John YEOMAN 49
William s. Asdrubal STEPHENS 23
Mrs. Elizabeth GWENNAP 75
Joan d. Hugh COPLAND 3
Hugh s. Hugh COPLAND 6

Mary, widow of John TREMAYNE 82
William NOWELL 86
John Penrose, Vicar
John s. John YEOMAN 7
William s. Wm. TUCKER, deceased 7
Mary w. Nathaniel JOB 62
Mary, widow of John TREGUNNO 80
Diana, widow of Rd. BARNICOAT 70
Alice d. John MASON, Esq., deceased 44
Honour d. Nicholas BABB 17
Elizabeth w. John MEDLYN 42
Richard THOMAS 80

Anne, widow of Spencer PARSONS 67
Nicholas CURRANT 32
James Mildren ROBINS inf.
Ury w. George WATERS 58
Anne w. George RASHLEY 83
Constance, pretended widow of Arthur HARRIS 70
Mary, widow of John MAY
John s. John RICHARDS 9
Christian w. James EUSTACE
Grace, widow of Hugh COPLAND 74
Thomas s. Rd. HELLINS 5
Peter RENFREE 58
Mary, widow of John REED 80
James RAWLING 64
Mary, widow of James MEDLYN 83
Thomas s. John BAKER 2
Jenny d. Benjamin JOHNS inf.
Jane d. Thomas WOLLENTIN(?) 1
Rebecca d. John BARNICOAT
Richard DOUBT 83
Digory THOMAS 67
Jane, widow of Benj. TREWEEK 60
Mary d. Daniel CRAB inf.
Anne d. Henry GOULD(?) 3

Elizabeth w. John MEDLYN 67
Peter LAUNNE 44
John s. John BARNICOAT 1
John s. Wm. ROWLING inf.
Humphry PARKEN 70
Thomas s. Thos. TUCKER 2
James s. James CHRISTOPHERS 4
Thomas THOMAS 70
Jane d. Robert TREMAINE 6
Thomas s. James CHRISTOPHERS 9
Mary, widow of Peter COPLIN 86
Pascas COPLIN 68
Elizabeth d. Rd. BARNICOAT 2
William s.Thomas SCOLER 11
Elizabeth w. John HOCKIN
Jane d. John RICHARDS 4
Anne d. Hugh RETALLACK inf.
Mary d. Samuel CHALLONS 3
James s. Samuel CHALLONS 1
Anne w. Theodore LAWRENCE 26
Elizabeth WOON 74
Mary d. Wm. BARNICOAT inf.
Anne d. Thomas SCOLER inf.
Mary d. Benjamin STEVENS 6
William s. James CHRISTOPHERS 2
Thomas s. William WEARNE 3
Thomas s. Thomas TUCKER 2
John Penrose, Vicar

Elizabeth w. Waltder RICE 35
Avice ELLIS 35
George RASHLEY 78
William PASCO s. Grace EDWARDS inf.
Jane d. Ralph BAMFIELD, deceasecd 58
James s. Thomas WHITELOCK 1
Elizabeth, widow of Thos. THOMAS 80
Dorothy d. John BARNICOAT, deceased 61
John s. Thomas FOLLY 3
Jane d. John CURRANT, deceased 8
Samuel s. Nicholas CURRANT 3
Mary YEOMAN 76
Thomas s. Daniel ROWE 19
Joanna d. Joseph MEDLYN 41
Edward base s. of Charity MANSFIELD inf.
Elizabeth w. John BAKER 42
Philip REMPHRY 30
Ann GEAKE d. James GEAKE, deceased 62
Mary GEACH d. Wm. GEACH, deceased 64

Philip s. Philip REMPHRY, deceased 2 mos.
Jane, widow of James MEDLYN 75
John s. Humphry BARNICOAT inf.
Jane, widow of Roger WILLS 81
Joseph MEDLYN 67
Elizabeth w. John BLACKWELL 37
John Peard, Officiating Minister
Mary Anne d. Asabal STEPHENS inf.
Mary w. John FAIRBARN 62
John s. Wm. & Mary BLACKWELL inf.
Mary w. Wm. BLACKWELL 44
John s. Wm. BARNICOAT inf.
William s. Thomas TUCKER inf.
Hannah d. Daniel CRAB inf.
Stephen HOLMAN 40
William MEDLYN 41
Mary w. Ambrose GILL 64
John s. John SNOW inf.
Mary d. John MARTIN 25

Rachel w. Thomas PELARM 60
Jenepher d. John BOLITHO inf.
Thomason w. Samuel TRESIDDER 71
William PELLARM 23
Betty d. Henry & Grace SNOW(?) inf.
Elizabeth d. James DODD inf.
Nicholas LAMPOR(?) 50
Charles COPLIN 87
Elizabeth w. Wm. BARNICOAT 43
Shem MEDLIN 17
Francis GEACH 65
Mary d. Wm. STREET inf.
Barbara PEARCE 92
Richard s. Wm. & Jane JOHNS inf.
John s. Robert PELLOW inf.
William Johnson Temple, Vicar
John s. Robert & Eliz. SPARGOE inf.
Daniel ROWE 60
Elizabeth d. Robert SPARGO inf.

Honour d. Henry HOSKIN inf.
George JOHNS 51
Susanna BARNICOAT 51
Christian EARTHORN 54
Richard THOMAS 43
Philippa RICHARDS 37
William s. Daniel CRAB inf.
John s. JohnADAMS inf.
Nicholas BABB 17
Jane d. John Medil TREMAIN inf.
Elizabeth COPLIN 44
John s. John THOMAS 25
Richard PERRY 56
Elizabeth d. Thomas THOMAS 8
John s. Charles TUCKER 2
Sarah w. James MATTHEWS 53
William s. Wm. PENGILLY 20
Catherine d. Thos. MEDLIN 50
Merian d. Peter REMPHRY 2
Elizabeth d. Hugh COPLIN 15
Thomas s. Peter REMPHRY inf.
Anne d. Hugh RETALICK 4
James s. Wm. RAWLI N 10
Mary d. Richard THOMAS inf.
Hugh s. Hugh RETALICK 11
Jane d. Peter REMPHRY 11
John s. Robert NEWTON 8
Thomas s. Hugh RETALICK 8
Loveday d. Nathaniel ROBERTS 9
Elizabath HILL 19
Thomson BRADLY 28
Mary BELLOW 70
Sarah FORTENER(?) 70
Christopher STEPHENS 11
Robert s. Robert PELLOW inf.
Alice w. John YEOMAN 39
Samuel RETALICK 78
Jenefer d. John BOLITHO inf.
John s. John ROBERTS 16
John MAY 44

Charles COPLIN 67
George TUCKER 66
Martha RETALIC 70
Susanna NOEL
Hannah DOD 28
Thomasin RUNNELS 48
Thomas MITCHELL 64
Elizabeth d. Thomas WARNE inf.
Humphry BARNICOAT 70
Grace TUCKER 39
Jane GEAKE 60
Charles TUCKER 47
Catherine THOMAS 68
Dorothy SALTER 63
Henry HELLINS inf.
Henry JOB 63
Ann d. Asdrubal STEPHENS inf.
John BUCK 76
Ann w. Wm. STREET 23
William COPLIN 3
Ann GRAY 10
John s. Samuel CHALLINS inf.
Wm. Temple
Thomas ELLIOT 51
Mary d. Samuel CHALLONS 4
Joan d. John DOTSON inf.
Sarah d. Thomas WHITLOCK inf.
William s. Wm. PELARM inf.
Richard TOWNSEND 31
John s. Jane FAIRBAIRN inf.
Elizabeth BURN 71
Hannah d. Samuel CHALLONS inf.
Peter s. Peter RENFREE 11
Mary d. Peter RENFREE 7
Philip s. Peter RENFREE 10
William s. Robert STEPHENS inf.
Elizabeth d. John SWEET inf.
David MARTIN 29
Francis MEDLING 61
Elizabeth BARNICOAT 20
Mary w. Benj. STEPHENS 47
Charles COPLING 20
John BAKER 50
Elizabeth ELSTON

Thomas PENAIM s. Thomas Penalm 20
Thomas MEDLIN inf.
Thomas s. John COPLIN inf.
Robert LEUTY of Falmouth 46
Grace ONCE 20
Hannah d. Robt. BRUCE inf.
Wm. J. Temple, Vicar
Stephen CHALLONS inf.
Asdrubal STEPHENS inf.
Daniel CRAB s. Daniel CRAB inf.
Joseph JOB inf.

Margarett ROW 14
Dorothy ROBERTS 70
William JOB 82
Jane GREEN 20
Mary MONDA 40
Grace d. Thos. DUNSTONE 2
Alice BAB 50
Ann ROW 76
Susanna w. Wm. JOB 37
Ann base child of Mary RICHARDS 2
Astrubal STEPHENS 72
Mary d. Ann STUCKEY 1
Jane d. Geo. BROWN 3
Thomas s. Eliz. BARNICOAT 1
Catherine CARTER 18
Francis ROW 80
W.J. Temple, Vicar
Joan w. John ROW 28
William s. Fred CARTER 2

William BLACKWELL 63
John THOMAS 84
John MEDLYN 75
William TRESCOT 32
Joseph s. John JOB 3(?)
Daniel s. Henry ROW 4
John s. Digory WARNE 2
Ann d. John ROW 3
Elizabeth d. Benj. HARVEY 1
Eleanor ROW 80
Edward MEDLIN 88
James s. James SYMS 9 mos.
W.J. Temple Vicar

Alice James w. Sam. RETALLACK of Falmouth
Martha d. Bennet & Martha BAWDEN of Falmouth
Jane d. Wm. & Eliz. PELLOW 1
Elizabeth d. Thomas & Alice PRYOR
Elizabeth LAWRY, widow
Jane d. John & Mary RICHARDS
William s. Wm . & Mary TODDS
Mary d. Wm. & Jane JOHN
Joan d. John & Dorothy THOMAS
Mary Ann d. Rd. & Mary WARNE
Betsey d. Rd. & Lucy ROWE
William s. Digory & Alice WARNE
John PRYOR base s. of John CHING & Eliz. PRYOR
Rev. Sampson HARRIS, widower, Vicar of St. Teath
Elizabeth d. James & Hannah DODD 5
Ann w. John COPELAND
Mary d. Wm. & Mary PERRY
W.J. Temple, Vicar
Edward s. Edw. & Mary MOYLE
Elizabeth Blenner BASSET, widow, of Falmouth 44
Ann w. Nicholas MEDLIN of Falmouth 39
Mary w. Edward MOYLE 24
Elizabeth d. Nicholas MEDLIN of Falmouth 10
Ambrose GILL

Grace d. John & Grace BONE 18 weeks
Grace d. James & Eliz. YEOMAN 10 mos.
Thomas MEDLIN 87
Thomas s. Robert & Eliz. SPARGO 3 ½
Daniel WALTERS 70
John JOB 36
William s. Robert & Eliz. SPARGO 1
Mary d. Sam. & Mary CHALLENS of Falmouth 2
Jane d. John & Eliz. MEDLIN 19
Elizabeth BARNICOAT 77
Elizabeth EDWARDS 53
Rachell d. John & Mary BOLITHO 6 weeks
Parnella PASCOE, spinster 26
Mary d. Wm. & Jane JOHNS 3 mos.
James Bone MEDLIN s. James MEDLIN & Avis MEDLIN (base child) 3 weeks
Henry RICE of Falmouth 74
William James s. Rd. & Mary HANSELL 7 mos.
Prudence d. James MEDLIN & Avis MEDLIN (base child) 4 weeks
Absalom TREVENA base s. of Zebulon Sanders & Mary Trevana 4 mos.
Elizabeth d. Sam. & Mary CHALLONS 13 weeks
Alice DUNCALF d. Sam. Retallack of Falmouth
Jenefer d.(?) of John G(?)AGE 22
Mary EATHORNE d. Thos. & Christian Hicks 1
Mary d. Daniel & Eliz. ROW of Falmouth 8 mos
Richard s. Rd. & Mary HANSELL 16 days
Richard s. Rd. & Lucy ROWE 2
Margaret w. Henry RICE of Falmouth 46
Nicholas PEARCE 25

Mary d. John & Mary RICHARDS of Falmouth 5
Jane d. John & Mary SINCLAIR inf.
Alice d. Patrick & Alice RYAN inf.
John TREVENA, a pauper, had been Parish Clerk for 51 years 78
Grace d. Thomas & Grace MITCHELL inf.
Mary d. Henry & Joan MITCHELL 2
William s. Digory & Alice WARNE 1
Richard PASCOE 23
Mary d. John & Mary SINCLAIR 4
Robert BARNES 27
Alicia Blenner BASSET of Falmouth
Louis DUPONT of St. Malos, France, buried by the parish 45
Jane d. John & Dorothy THOMAS of Falmouth 10
Mary d. John & Mary BLACKWELL of Falmouth inf.
Philip SALTER 60
Mary d. Thomas & Margaret COLLINS 13
Ann d. John & Eliz. ROW 17
Dorothy w. John THOMAS of Falmouth 49
Mary d. Henry & Margaret PENGLASE inf.
Rebekah TONKIN 56
Joan CORNECK, pauper 55
William s. Sam. & Mary PADDY inf.
Elizabeth w. John COPLAND of Falmouth 67
Florence w. Edward SWEET of Falmouth 42
John COPLAND, widower 47
Catherine BLACKWELL, spinster of Falmouth 66
Samuel PADDY or Mylor Parish 29
Elizabeth d. Thomas &. Alice PRYOR inf.
William ROBINS of Falmouth, mariner 28
Richard PRUST 53
Henry PASCOE 63
Elizabeth MITCHELL, a pauper
Ann w. Emanuel OWLD

Zacharias s Zacharias & Eliz. MEDLIN 5
William s. Thomas & Jane DUNSTONE of Falmouth
John TREVILIAN (pauper)
Wm. J. Temple, Vicar
James s. James & Ann NICHOLAS inf.
John Renfree s. Rd. & Marian EVA inf.
Thomas s. John & Mary DUNSTONE inf.
Mary Anne d. John & Mary DUNSTONE 4
Theophilus HONEYWILL, batchelor of Falmouth 38
Elizabeth d. John & Eliz. BOLITHO 2
Anne w. Robert STEPHENS 37
Mary d. Thomas & Mary FOLEY of Falmouth inf.
Mary w. Nathaniel BAYLEY, pauper 50
Samuel s. Mary PADDY, widow of Mylor 4
Ann MORRICK, widow 70
Elizabeth w. Walter DAVIS 24
Mary Roberts d. Henry & Alice LANGDON 2

Joan d. John (dec'd) & Eliz. DATSON, pauper 1
Mary PADDY, widow of Sam. PADDY of Mylor 32
Anne Trevena, base d. of Humphry Liobel(?) & Mary TREVENA
Peter s. Wm. & Mary PERRY of Falmouth 2
Thomas WALTERS, of a decay 35
James JOB 70
Mary BATH, a pauper 101
Peter s. Peter & Elizabeth MICHELL 1
Thomas PASCOE 76
Mary d. James & Jane SYMS of Falmouth 2
Ann w. James Bakewell WILDBORE 52
Ann d. James & Ann NICHOLAS inf.
Robert s. Nicholas Bawden JAGO 1
James SMITH 76
Jane d. Peter & Eliz. RENFREE inf.
William s. John & Eliz. MICHELL 4
Nancy d. Francis & Eliz. THELEAVEN of Falmouth 1
Betsy BARNICOAT d. Henry & Grace ROWE inf.
Mary w. John ALLEN of Falmouth 40
Joan RAWLING of Falmouth 75
Elizabeth NICHOLLS 44
Nicholas s. Benedict & Martha BAWDEN of Falmouth 4
William s. Thomas & Eliz. THOMAS of Falmouth 19
Henry s. Henry & Alice LANGDON 1
Elizabeth d. Thomas & Eliz. THOMAS 7

John THOMAS, widower of Mabe 79
Francis s. Nathanael & Mary JOB of Falmouth 1
Belinda d. Frederick & Johanna BREMER of Falmouth inf.
William JOB, widower of Falmouth 34
Richard s. Rd. & Lucy ROWE of Falmouth 2
Susannah d. Wm. & Mary DEVONSHIRE of Falmouth 10 mos.
Mary w. Thomas DUNSTAN 40
Wm. J. Temple, Vicar
Betsey d. James & Jane SYMS of Falmouth 8
Honour w. Rd. BARNICOAT of Falmouth 34
Grace w. Peter BARTEL 34
Robert s. James & Jane DOWNlNG 1
Jane d. Theodore & Eliz. LAURANCE of Falmouth 2
Anne RICHARDS, spinster 22
Peggy d. John & Jane MEDLIN inf.
Anne w. John PASCOE 60
Elizabeth w. Ananias SHUTFORD of Falmouth 72
Robert RICHARDS, batchelor of Falmouth 18
Joseph ADAMS of Falmouth 64
Frances w. William PASCOE 63
Maria d. John & Mary ADAMS 15
Grace Munday d. Wm. & Judith PELLOW inf.
Ann w. Thomas TUCKER 60
Jane CURRANT, widow of Gluvias 69
Thomas s. Thos. & Hannah THOMAS 1
William MILWARD of Falmouth 41
Zacharias ROWE of Falmouth 19
Nathanael BAILEY, pauper 56
Mary MITCHELL, widow 95
Zebulon SAUNDERS, pauper 50
Richard s. Rd. & Mary HANSELL, of Falmouth 2
W.J. Temple, vicar

Mary d. Patrick & Mary RYAN of Falmouth 1
Anne d. Henry & Agnes STODDEN 2
Christian d. John & Mary BOLITHO 1
Frances Lenderyou d. Charles JOB 16
William HARRIS, pauper 87
Elizabeth LAURANCE of Falmouth, widow 77
Joseph s. Simon & Alice DREW 12
Joan GUTHERIDGE of Falmouth, widow 52
James ROWE of Falmouth 20
John base s. of Thos. TINGCOMBE & Margaret TAYLDER inf.
Robert PELLOW 80
George THOMPSON 33
Andrew Giffard GWENNAP of Falmouth 19
Elizabeth RUTTER, widow. Pauper 66
Mary d. Geo. & Margaret BORLASE of Penzance in Madern 6
John base s. of Mary TREVENA inf.
Thomas s. Robert & Eliz. SPARGO the younger
William JENKIN s. Thos. & Eliz. WARNE
John base s. of Prudence ROBINSON of Gluvias
Mary w. Asdrubal STEPHENS 75
W.J. Temple, Vicar
Mary d. Peter & Mary JENKIN of Gluvias 5

Samuel s. Sam. & Mary COOK, Pauper inf.
Ann w. Samuel TRESIDDER of Falmouth
Mary w. John PENGILLY 25
Joan w. John ROWLING of Constenton 82
William s. Digory & Alice WARNE 1
Thomas NOWELL, pauper 76
Jane w. Edward JAMES of Falmouth 26
Parnella PASCOE, widow 80
Alice w. Benjamin JOB of Falmouth 23
Elizabeth HILL, widow 67
Samuel s. Sam. & Mary CHALONS of Falmouth 4
Richard s. Thos. & Mary FOLEY of Falmouth 1
William WILLIAMS of Mylor 40
Thomas GREGORY of the Isle of Wight 39
Samuel s. John & Christian TRESIDDER of Falmouth
Emanuel s. Emanuel & Eliz. OULD of Falmouth 1
Mary d. Thos. & Mary FOLEY of Falmouth 4
John PASCOE of Mylor
Elizabeth d. Robert & Ann STEPHENS of Falmouth 6
Mary d. John & Mary DAVEY of Gluvias 5
Asdrubal s. Robert & Ann (dec'd) STEPHENS of Fal. 8
W.J. Temple, Vicar
Nicholas s. Benedict & Martha BAWDEN of Falmouth inf.
Mary d. Sam. & Mary COOK of Falmouth 4
Isaac s. William & Mary DEVONSHIRE of Falmouth 2
George s. Geo. & Jane BROWN 3
William s. Fred. & Joanna BREMER of Falmouth 8
John s. Philip & Grace MITCHELL of Falmouth 1
Jane w. Wm. FRANCIS 61
John Rogers s. Charles & Patience SARLE inf.
Catherine d. Thomas & Christian HICKS 1
Mary w. Wm. PENGILLY 62
Mary w. Robert FREEMAN
Thomas TUCKER, Pauper
Elizabeth JOHNS, widow of Gluvias
John MEDLEN 68
Elizabeth d. Francis & Eliz. TRELEAVEN of Falmouth 2
William THOMAS

William PELLOW 50
Nicholas KEMP of Penryn in Gluvias 67
Mary HARRIS, spinster. Pauper 77
Margaret MEDLEN, widow. Pauper 70
Charles PERRY 37
Philip Renfree s. Rd. & Miriam EVA 17
James MATTHEWS of Penryn in Gluvias 77
W.J. Temple, Vicar
Ann THOMAS, spinster of Falmouth 28
Mary d. John & Mary SINCLAIR of Falmouth 5
Richard s. John & Grace MARTIN 1
Jane GIBBS, widow of Falmouth 70
Polly d. Rd. & Polly HANSEL 2
Ann JOHNS spinster of Penryn in Gluvias 23

Grace GILL, widow. Pauper 78
Richard s. Rd. & Grace CURRAH inf.
Thomas s. James & Jane DOWNING of Gluvias inf.
William DEVONSHIRE of Falmouth 19
Zacharias MEDLYN of Falmouth Pauper 40
Jean MAUSHAN - French Prisoner
William s. Wm. & Charity WARNE inf.
Joan THOMAS, widow 82
Elizabeth MEDLYN, spinster 17
Zachariah ROWE of Falmouth 52
Elizabeth RICE, widow of Gluvias
Sarah w. Rd. BARNICOAT of Falmouth 60
Nathaniel JOB of Mawnan 82
Susanna d. Wm. & Mary DEVONSHIRE of Falmouth 1
William BARNICOAT of Falmouth 59
Elizabeth KEMP, widow of Pennryn in Gluvias 82
Mathew CITELLE(?) a French prisoner
W.J. Temple, Vicar
Laurent MORILLON - A French prisoner
Jean BRUNEAU - A French prisoner
William PENGULLY 60

William s. James & Jane SYMS of Falmouth 3
Ann TREMAIN, widow. Pauper 80
Prudence BANFIELD, widow of Falmouth 82
James s. James & Ann MEDLEN inf.
Jean PLAISIR - a French.prisoner
Harriet base d. of Mary ROW, pauper inf.
Daniel CRAB(?) of Falmouth 59
Henry-JOB of Falmouth 42
Jean BEUDUVIN - a French prisoner
Richard s. Thos. & Mary FOLEY of Falmouth 3
Elizabeth JEFFREYS, spinster & pauper 70
William WALMSLEY s. John & Christian TRESIDDER of Falmouth inf.
Dominic Bert De BAYONNE - a French prisoner
Dominic BEATE - a French prisoner
Joanna d. Henry & Joan MITCHELL of Falmouth 1
Jean ROLAND - a French prisoner
Sally d. John & Mary REYNOLDS of Falmouth 3
Jean MISHANS - a French prisoner
Jane JOB, widow of Falmouth 81
Mary w. Rd. WARNE
Jean MELOT - a French prisoner
W.J. Temple, Vicar
Francois Le DOIREN - a French prisoner
Pierre GAUDIN - a French prisoner
Jean LAUVAIN - a French prisoner
Mary THOMAS, spinster. Pauper 74
Francis GUET - a French prisoner

Jacques Le FEVRE - a French prisoner
Noel TELLUR - a French prisoner
Pierre BLANDERIC - a French prisoner
Jean QUERUE - a French prisoner
Alice w. Wm DREW of Falmouth 59
Elizabeth MOYLE, widow. Pauper 70
Jean CHANCELAET - a French prisoner
Robert PELLOWE of Falmouth 40
Yves CHENOIS - a French prisoner
Alexander FLORENE - a French prisoner
Jane THOMPSON, widow 32
Ambrose REAL - a French prisoner
Grace w. Martin CHEGWIN 55
William FREDENBOURG - a French prisoner
Nancy d. Asdrubal & Nancy STEPHENS of Falmouth 16
Mary MITCHELL, spinster of Gluvias 50
Laurent MOISY - a French prisoner
Margery d. Chrisropher & Margery SOBEY 1
Augustine BOULON - a French prisoner
W.J. Temple, Vicar
Jean Pierre DAUBERT - French prisoner
Pierre FIERVILLE - French prisoner
Francis Le DUIF - French prisoner
Jean FERRADE - French prisoner
Asdrubal STEPHENS of Falmouth 54
Valery La BARRE - French prisoner
Yvon PERROBE - French prisoner
Francis CHAVANNE - French prisoner
Andoine GAUTEAR - French prisoner
Thomas DUNSTAN 41
Jacques LAGOREIN - French prisoner
Alexander PREVOST - French prisoner
Robert HOMME - French prisoner
Jean JEANDRON - French prisoner
Jean PILOTE - French prisoner
Jacques LOISON - French prisoner
Louis LABOT - French prisoner
Jean FROISSARD - French prisoner
Andre GENAUNE - French prisoner
Jean LERE - French prisoner
Charles ELIE - French prisoner
Pierre MATIER - French prisoner
Jean BARDEAU - French prisoner
Jean Le VEAU - French prisoner
Michel LAUGERNOY - French prisoner
Francis GARNOU - French prisoner
W.J. Temple, Vicar
Joseph BENATTE - French prisoner
Simon VILLEMONIER - French prisoner
Marc HEUDE - French prisoner
Elizabeth MEDLYH, widow. Pauper 60
William SAUNDRY 73
Joseph MENJOULET - French prisoner
Jean BAPTISTE CURDEAR - French prisoner
Mary Ann d. John &. Grace MARTIN
Pierre BODIN - French prisoner
Jean Francis LAULNIER - French prisoner
Pierre GUERARD - French prisoner
Richard s. John & Jane WARNE
Gilbert LONGE - French prisoner
Louis MONBIEN - French prisoner
Jean JOLVIELLE - French prisoner
Pierre VARET - French prisoner
Pierre De REAMER - French prisoner
Antoine CLEMOTTE - French prisoner
Christopher JEAN - French prisoner
John s. John & Emlyn NANTS inf.
Alice base d. of Hannah THOMAS
Grace RICHARDS, spinster of Falmouth 47
Richard RICHARDS 49
John base s. of Mary Sennet ROGERS 2
Abigail LEUTY, widow of Falmouth 61
W.J. Temple, Vicar
Richard s. Rd. & Honour CONNOR inf.
Andre AUGEAS - French prisoner
Jenny w. Edward Harris WILLIAMS 23
Richard BARNICOAT of Falmouth 53
Jane d. John & Eliz. CURRANT of Penryn in Gluvias 3

John s. Thos. & Alice PRYOR 1
Ananias SHUTFORD of Falmouth 67
Elizabeth BLACKWELL, widow of Falmouth 76
James s. David & Mary WILLIAMS of Falmouth 5
Elizabeth d. Wm. (dec'd) & Philippa TRESIDDER of Falmouth 2
Grace w. Thos. MITCHELL 42
Betsey DONGEY, spinster of Falmouth 24
William WAIT, Private Soldier in Wilts. Militia 35
Niels FALCK 47
Elizabeth BRAILEY, spinster of Falmouth 19
James s. James & Ann PASCOE 1
James EUSTACE, Pauper 86
Daniel ROWE of Falmouth 41
John s. Thos. & Mary FOLEY of Penryn in Gluvias 3
Joanna d. Henry & Joan MITCHELL of Falmouth inf.
Mary d. Patrick & Jane RYAN of Falmouth 6
Alice WALKER, widow of Mawnan 91
Margaret WEBB, widow of Falmouth 94
Jane KEMP, spinster of Penryn in Gluvias 42
Mary Ann THOMAS base d. of Hannah THOMAS inf.
Grace d. Thos. & Grace MITCHELL 6
John Francis Howell, Vicar.
Ann w. Thomas BOYENS of Falmouth 23
Elizabeth w. John ALLEN of Falmouth 48
Edward s. Thos. & Alice PRYOR 4

Thomas s. James & Ann TAYLDER 1
Grace w. Thomas DUKE of Falmouth 25
John s. Peter & Mary JENKIN 3
Mary d. John & Grace KIDD 3
Emlyn w. John NANTS 41
William DREW of Falmouth 63
Thomas s. Thomas & Margaret PENALUNA 5
Philip Renfree s. Rd. & Miriam EVA 4
Dorothy w. Hugh RETALLACK of Falmouth 61
Joseph MOORE, Private Soldier in Wilts. Militia 43
John s. John & Mary DAVEY 1
Sarah BANFIELD, spinster of Falmouth 44
John s. John & Mary HARNEY of Penryn in Gluvias inf.
Elizabeth PERRY, widow of Falmouth 80
Mary CHAMPION, widow. Pauper 60
Robert s. Robt. & Jenefer LEUTY of Falmouth 5
John s. Ferdinando & Bridget PRATT 4
Alice HARRY, widow 72
James HOSKYNS s. Martha HOSKYNS 2
Thomas BARNES of Falmouth 71
John Francis HOWELL, Vicar.
John BAWDEN of Falmouth 47
George WALTERS - Sexton of this Parish 85
Joey Richards d. Francis & Joanna PAWSON 5
Anna GIBBONS d. Alice WARNE, base child 9 weeks
Peter s. Peter & Ann BARTLE 4
Susanna BARNICOAT of Falmouth 70
William JOHNSON, a private in Wilts Militia 23
Elizabeth THOMAS of Falmouth 70
Margaret w. John LAYER of Mylor 43
William s. John & Alice TONKIN of Falmouth 5 mos.
Thomas s. Peter & Ann BARTLE 3
Mary w. Mathew EDDY 43
John COPELAND of Falmouth 82
Anne d. Martin & Grace RICHARDS 2
Asdrubal STEPHENS (pauper) 84
Anne, widow of Henry JOB of Falmouth 53
Anne d. Antonio & Mary NARETTA 4 mos.
Jane, widow of Thomas HUGGINS 44

A List of French Prisoners, buried in this Parish from the 16th. 1795 to the end of 1797:
1795 Andre AUGEAR
1796 Francis CHEBAULT
1796 Gabriel GONVIRNER
1796 Andrne MORLEAU
1796 Jean Francis ROBERT
1796 Fr. Michel HARDOUIN
1796 Gabriel RIXLAN
1796 Jean DERGONE
John Francis Howell, Vicar
1796 Jean Baptist MARI
1796 Jean BONNAT
1797 Francis MERARD
1797 Pierre HELET
1797 Jean RICHARD
1797 Joseph OLIVIER
1797 Andreane La LIEORC
1797 Pierre BIDEAU
1797 Rene POTTIER.
1797 Jean PIG(?)EON
1797 George TORMENTIN
1797 Jean LALLE
1797 Pierre Guillieme HACHIE
1797 Pierre Jean OLIVIER
1797 Etienne PICHAUD
1797 Andre BLOUE
1797 Pierre LAYE
1797 Marie, Claude BREE
1797 Guillieme JEFFREY
1797 Francis CAUTAIN
1797 Jean ALLOT
1797 Pierre PAYEN
1797 Joseph BILTE
1790 Valentine GARONNE
Mem. At this time the French were removed from Kegilliac

Elizabeth w. Thomas PERRY 66
Edward KEMPTHORNE of Milor 63
Philip BLACKWELL of Marazion. Killed by accident 30
William MITCHELL of Falmouth 74
John Francis Howell, Vicar
Elizabeth NEWTON of Falmouth 11
Henry s. Henry & Jane PELLOWE inf.
Agnes SHETFORD of Falmouth 64
Dorothy w. John MARTIN 63
Mary d. Robert & Rose HILL 1
Marianne d. Aaron & Mary SYMONS Inf.
Mary REYNOLDS of Falmouth 30
Mary MEDLYN of Falmouth 24
William s. Wm. &. Eliz. YEOMAN 1
Jane d. Samuel & Martha LIVELY Inf.
John WALKER of Mawnan 50
Joseph BURN of Mylor 84
Annis d. John & Ann RUSSELL 1
Sally d. John & Nancy THOMAS 3
Elizabeth DAVID, widow 66

Nancy d. John & Nancy THOMAS inf.
William s. Thomas & Mary THOMAS of Falmouth 3
Ann w. Peter Bown HARRIS 29
Elizabeth d. Thomas & Mary THOMAS inf.
John s. Ferdinand Combe & Bridget PRATT 8 mos.
Frederic BREMER of Falmouth 59
Jane CRAB, widow of Falmouth 57
1?3 Elizabeth GOLDSWORTHY 80
Mary w. Nicholas MEDLYN
Elizabeth DATSON, pauper
Isaac s. Ambrose & Ann BEHENNA inf.
John Francis Howell, Vicar

William s. Wm. & Mary GONNE of Lisbon 2
Christopher s. Chris. & Mary SOBY 18 mos.
Martin RICHARDS, pauper 44
Martha BOWDEN of Penryn 38
Mary w. Benj. STEPHENS, Senr 54
Thomas STOTTEN. base s of Eliz. STOTTEN inf.
Matthew s. John & Joan STEPHENS inf.
John RAWLING of the Parish of Wendron 84
John MARTIN 74
Anne Plane base d. of Sarah INGLIS inf.
Henry PENGLASE, Pauper 49
Joan HELLINGS, Pauper
George TUCKER of Mabe 34
Hannah w. James TITSELL 58

Lucy PIKE, widow. Pauper 59
John PAUL 39
John s. Eliz. PATTERSON inf.
Mary w. Peter BEST 24
Elizabeth WILLIAMS 60
James JAGO 24
Peter s. Wm. & Mary PERRY of Falmouth 9
Richard WARNE 71
John REYNOLDS of Falmouth 42
Henry s. Wm. & Mary GOMME of Lisbon 2
Mary d. Robert & Eliz. SPARGO. Pauper 3
John Francis Howell, Vicar
John THOMAS of Falmouth 77
Anne d. John & Anne SPARGO 1
John s. James & Clavina JAGO 8 mos.
Mary STEVENS, widow. Pauper 84
Elizabeth WARNE 20
Maria ANGELLY of Falmouth 44
Jane WINCHESTER of Falmouth 77
Mary JOB of Falmouth 74
Elizabeth HARVEY 50
Elizabeth BATH 80
Susanna JOHNS 70
William RAWL1NG. Pauper 67
Collier ANGOVE of Falmouth inf.
Sarah THOMAS 45

William WARNE 60
Catherine DONITHORNE inf.
John BLACKWELL. Pauper.
Richard PENGILLY 36
Richard PALMER 50
Elizabeth TREVENA 82
Thomas THOMAS inf.
Marianne HUMPHREY of Falmouth 3
Henry THORNTON inf.
Elizabeth JOB 80
Anne ROOKE inf.
John STONE 56
James MEDLYN inf.
John Francis Howell, Vicar.
William PERRY of Falmouth 50
Philippa HALLAMORE inf.
Samuel HALLAMORE inf.
Richard HELLENS, Pauper 64
Jane PELLOWE inf.
John BARNICOAT of Falmouth 52
John WARNE inf.

Mary RICHES inf.
William TRESIDDER 55
John LEAN 52
Hugh JAMES 55
William PASCOE 70
Stephen GILL 77
Elizabeth WATERS, late Sacristan 62
Margaret FRANCIS, widow 67
Marianne RICHARDS 21
William KENT inf.
William WARNE 38
Anne PERRY. Pauper 80
Jane BIDDLE 80
Samuel DUNCALF 55

Thomas WARNE 46
Joan MEDLYN 70
John THOMAS 70
Robert BEBB 84
John Francis Howell, Vicar.
Marian HARVEY 14
William REALE of Falmouth 80
William ROW 28
Christian MEDLYN 26
Anne w. Michael TRESIDDER 42
Samuel STEPHENS 11
Grace BARNICOAT, widow 80
James St. Aubyn ANGOVE 5
Eleanor BRAYLEY. Pauper 90
Elizabeth w. John ROWE 72

Henry ROW. Drowned 73
Elizabeth PAWSON of Falmouth 2
James BLAKE. Soldier 20
Thomasine PENALIN, widow 73
Edward Harris WILLIAMS of Penryn 32
James POTTRIGE. Soldier 29
James HARRIS. Pauper 75
Peter BOWN of Rosemerrin 94
John WARNE 60
Thomas PRIOR 77
Grace MEDLYN, widow 54
Jane RAWLING, widow. Pauper 74
Anne MARTIN inf.
Charles George HOWARD 7
James CAMPBELL inf.
Jenny Hill THOMPSON 17
Mary w. Edward ANGOVE of Falmouth 32
John Francis Howell, Vicar
William HANSELL of Falmouth 19
Dorothy THOMAS of Falmouth 38

Loveday ROBERTS 77
Aaron SYMONDS 38
Elizabeth HIGGINS 1
James St. Aubyn ANGOVE inf.
Jane RICHARDS of Falmouth 73
John MEDLYN, late Clerk of ye Parish 76
Catherine WALTERS 74
Jane TRENEAR inf.
Elizabeth THOMAS 21
Elizabeth PERRY of Falmouth 27
Thomas PERRY 70
Thomas PRYOR 52
Grace KIDD 48
William TREMAYNE inf.

Henrietta BULL inf.
William TRESIDDER of Falmouth inf.
Marianne HARRIS 8
Mary PERRY of Falmouth 55
Robert RITCHES inf.
William SPARGO inf.
Nathanael ROBERTS 70
Richard Bolitho COOMBE 2
John ROWE 74
John Francis Howell, Vicar.
Betsey HILL 44
Mary THOMAS of Falmouth
Sud?anna ROGERS inf.
Catherine BETTINSON 2
Elizabeth COOK inf.
Elizabeth PELLOWE inf.
Richard Longfield DAVIES 2
Christopher SERLE of Winchester 30
Robert TREMAIN 74
George James SAVAGE inf.
Grace ROWE inf.
Mary WILLIAMS. Pauper 40
Joseph s. Philip RENFREE inf.
William CLIMO inf.

John WARNE 6
Jane WARNE inf.
Bridget SMITH Pauper
Grace JAG0 inf,
Anne SOMERVILLE of Jedburg N.B. (New Brunswick?) 29
Susanna VEALE of Falmouth 49
Mary MEDLYN. Pauper
Joanna COSIER. Pauper 76
Richard STOCKLEY 2
Elizabeth WARNE 5
Mary WALKER of Falmouth 58
Susanna DREW 24
John Francis Howell, Vicar.
Elizabeth HIGGINS inf.
Thomas PELARM. Pauper From 90 to 100
Anne JAMES 86

Mary MEDLYN 90
Benjamin STEVENS 82
Angel Margaret STOKER of Doveridge, Derbys. 20
Richard BOSANQUET of Green Bank 74
Jemima GEACH 25
Thomas MITCHELL 57
Margaret SOBEY. Pauper 52
Jane LONEY. Pauper 78
Thomas WARNE inf.
Edward DREWE 4
Walter TREVENA 45
Elizabeth BONE 8
John MEDLYN. Pauper 85
Robert TREMAIN TOY inf.
Nicholas MEDLYN. Pauper 80
Mary PERCY. Pauper 35

Margaret DUNSTAN 2
Mary ROBARTS. Pauper 47
Anne HARVEY of Falmouth 88
Josiah RENFREE 2
Andrew Joseph COWARD 5
John Francis Howell, Vicar.
Charles HAYNES 66
Catherine TRESIDDER 13
John PELARM. Pauper. 4
Anne JAMES 18
Grace ROWE of Falmouth 60
Frances PAWSON of Falmouth 6
John STEVENS of Falmouth 28
James NICHOLLS of Falmouth 19
John OWL of Falmouth 2

James BULL 2
Susan Sophia BULLMORE inf.
Joan PENDER 55
Cherry RIGGIN of St. Ives. Pauper 1
Nicholas PENROSE. Pauper 27
Joan BABB 82
Joan BLEE of Breage. Pauper 55
William LORD 76
Miriam SYMONS 2
Catherine JOHNS 72
Elizabeth WARNE. Pauper 70
Elizabeth SPARGO, widow 73
Thomas THOMAS 71
John Francis Howell, Vicar.
(16 persons buried in the year 1811. Five males, eleven females. J.F.H.)

Catherine BARNICOAT of Falmouth 87
Mary TREMAIN. Pauper 86
Joan GEACH, widow 81
Jane JOHNS 70
Hugh TALLACK. Pauper 70
Richard JONES a minor
Anne HARRIS, widow. Pauper 113 (but probably 107 or 108)
Mary FRENCH 64
Hannah w. Francis FULLER, Esq., a Lieutenant General in his Majesty's Service
Theresa Mary TRESIDDER inf.
Jane MEDLYN. Pauper 68
John Francis Howell, Vicar.
(17 persons buried in the year 1812. Five males, twelve females. J.F.L.)
From this time by the authority of an Act of Parliament the Register was directed to be kept upon a new plan.

James COPLIN, Budock. Infant J.H. Cardew, Curate
John PELLOWE, Budock 18 E. Hodge, Lect.
Betsy PRIOR, Budock 36 E. Hodge, Lect.
Henry CLIMO, Budock 3 Jn. Fr. Howell, Vicar
Mary ADKINS, Constantine 64 E. Hodge, Lecturer.
Lewis THOMAS, Budock Infant. Small Pox Thos. Robyns, Curate
Susan PENALARM, Budock Infant. Thos. Robyns, Curate
Jenifer ROWE, Falmouth 3 Thos. Robyns, Curate
Jane Tremayne HODGE, Budock. 2 Small Pox Thos. Robyns, Curate
Charlotte Joy KIDD, Budock. Inf. Small Pox Thos. Robyns, Curate
Mary NINNIS, Budock. Inf. Thos. Robyns, Curate
Mary Anne ODGERS, Budock. Inf. Thos. Robyns, Curate
Elizabeth STONE, Budock 41 Thos. Robyns, Curate
Robert DUNBAR, London 33 E. Hodge, Lect.

John BUNNY, Falmouth 74 E. Hodge, Lect.
These persons perished in a Transport - "The Queen" - Carr. Master - wrecked on Trefusis Point in a violent gale of wind - 13th.
The bodies were thrown on t o e(?) in this Parish & buried according to the Act.
Mrs. White
Job Taylor and Wife
Mrs. Chambers
Mrs. Fraser
Mrs. Ross
- - Macarthy, an Artificer;
7 children, names unknown;
5 women, names unknown;
3 men, names unknown; Thos. Robyns
A woman, name unknown, one of the sufferers of shipwreck.Thos. Robyns
A lad, name unknown, one of the sufferers of shipwreck.Thos. Robyns
A woman & infant, names unknown, the sufferers of shipwreck. E. Hodge, Lect.
Thomas TRELOAR, Budock Infant T.Robyns
Sarah MITCHELL, Falmouth 85 T.Robyns
Alice HARRIS, Falmouth 63 T.Robyns
Henry STEPHENS, Budock 6 Killed by an accident of falling from a ? T.Robyns
Elizabeth ROWE, Falmouth 6 T.Robyns
Jane TREMAYNE, Budock 72 T.Robyns
James DOWNING, Penryn 51 T.Robyns
Stephen SPARGO, Budock 12 'Crushed to death by a water wheel T.Robyns
Grace GRENFELL, Budock Inf. T.Robyns
Eliza STEVENS, Falmouth Inf. T.Robyns
Jane ROGERS, Budock T.Robyns
Elizabeth WILDBORE, Penryn 30 T.Robyns
Alice HANSELL, Budock 42 T.Robyns
Elizabeth LANE, Budock 75 E. Hodge
Nora PRYOR, Budock 81 E. Hodge
Walter TOY, Budock 60 T.Robyns

Elizabeth HIGGINS, Budock Inf. E.Hodge
Margaret POLGLAZE, Budock 70 T.Robyns
Catherine WALKER, Budock 34 T.Robyns
32? Mary JAGO, Budock 30 T.Robyns
John THOMAS, Budock 43 E. Hodge
William PRYOR, Penryn 26 T.Robyns
Phillis COFFREY, Budock 50 T.Robyns
Richard COPELIN, Budock Inf. T.Robyns
Wm. Gerish WARNE, Budock Inf. T.Robyns
Mary WARNE, Budock 50 T.Robyns
Humphrey BARNICOAT, Falmouth 5 T.Robyns
Mary, 16, & Grace, 12, THORNTON, Sisters, Budock T.Robyns
John MOYLE, Budock Inf. T.Robyns

Richard WARNE, Falmouth 3 T.Robyns
Richard DENNIS, Budock Inf. T.Robyns
Elizabeth RUSDEN, Budock, Run over by the Mail Coach 5 T. Robyns
Elizabeth HOLTON, Penryn 22 J.F.Howell
Thomas COLLIVER, Falmouth 3 J.F. Howell
James WOOLEY, Birmingham 22 E. Hodge
George SAVAGE, Budock inf. T. Robyns
Elizabeth YEOMAN, Budock 28 E. Hodge
William PASCOE, Budock 14 T. Robyns
Richard PELLOWE, Budock inf. T. Robyns
Wm. Genish HIGGINS, Falmouth Infant T.Robyns
Margaret CADDY, Gluvias 65 E. Hodge
Geo. Tuckey MICHELL, Falmouth Inf. T.Robyns

Mary Crossfield BULL, Budock 5 T.Robyns
Peter HARVEY, Mylor 53 T.Robyns
Elizabeth GEORGE, Budoek. 67 T.Robyns
Edward DAVY, Budock Inf. T.Robyns
Ann DAWE, Budock 5 E. Hodge
Joseph THORNTON, Budock 1 year J.F. Howell,Vicar
Wm. THOMAS, Penryn 2 T.Robyns
Anne RICHARDS, Budock 82 T.Robyns
Elizabeth LEAN, Penryn 2 T.Robyns
Nancy RICKARD, Penryn 32 T.Robyns
Thomas RICHARDS, Budock Inf. T.Robyns
Noah MEDLYN, Falmouth 65 T.Robyns
Mary STEPHENS, Budock Inf. Scalded to death by falling into a pan of boiling milk T.Robyns
Alice WARNE, Budock 65 T.Robyns
Jenefer WARNE, Budock Inf. T.Robyns
Wm. PELLOWE, Mawnan 50 T.Robyns

Charles RICHARDS, Budock Inf. T.Robyns
Wm. MICHELL, Falmouth 3 ½ T.Robyns
Hugh COPLIN, Falmouth 88 T.Robyns
Charles Edward BULL, Budock Inf. T.Robyns
Sarah SCIVIAH, Budock 65 T.Robyns
Rd. EVA, Falmouth 69 T.Robyns
James POTTER, Budock 82 E. Hodge
Grace CHRISTOPHERS, Budock 21 E.Hodge
Betty Anne COODE, Budock 8 J.F. Howell
John DAINTON, Budock 69 J.F. Howell
John BOLITHO, Budock 83 T.Robyns
Loveday PASCO, Falmouth 29 E. Hodge
Anne BARNICOAT, Budock 92 T.Robyns
John MARTIN, Budock 27 T.Robyns
Rd. NICHOLLS, Budock 51 T.Robyns
Jane MEDLYN, Budock 72 T.Robyns
A Drowned Mariner, name unknown, found at Green Bank T.Robyns
Thomas COLLINS, Budock Inf. T.Robyns
John HODGE, Penryn 5 T.Robyns
Cornelius GEACH, Budock Inf. T.Robyns
John RENFREE, Budock 63 T.Robyns

Sarah HITCHINS,Falmouth 55 E. Hodge
John THOMAS, Budock Inf. T.Robyns
Eliz. COOKE, Budock Inf. T.Robyns
Grace JAGO, Budock 8 E. Hodge
Anne Lawrence MICHELL, Falmouth Inf. T.Robyns
Eliz. LEMON, Budock 4 E. Hodge
Jenefer COCHLIN, Falmouth 43 T.Robyns
Mary Ann TINCOMBE, Budock 1 Small Pox. E. Hodge
Miriam SYMONS, Budock 3 Small Pox. E. Hodge
Anne DENNIS, Penryn 3 Decline in conseq. of smallpox T.Robyns
Thomsin WHITFIELD, Budock 70 T.Robyns
James BLOODWORTH(?),unknown. Returned from Jamaica & died in Selly's Hotel, --? 50 T.Robyns
Eliz. STONE, Falmouth 90 E. Hodge
Phillipa RENFREE, Falmouth 2 E. Hodge
John MICHELL, Falmouth 37 Drowned in Fal. Harb. by the upsetting of a boat. T.Robyns
John YEOMAN, Budock 82 E. Hodge
Amelia SPARGO, Budock Inf. E. Hodge
John HARDING, Budock 42 E. Hodge
Charity MICHELL, Constantine 94 T.Robyns
Eliz. HARRIS, Budock 96 E. Hodge

Olympias DAINTON, Budock 68 T. Robyns
Olympias NICHOLLS, Budock 39(?) T. Robyns
Mary JOHNSTONE, Budock 83 E. Hodge
Martha THOMAS, Budock 60 David Jenkins
Elizabeth MORPHEW, Green Bank Budock, wife of Capt. Morphew of the Nocton Packet 32 David Jenkins
Mary Ann TAYLOR,Constantine 28 David Jenkins
Rd. TRAYS, Budock 79 David Jenkins
James TRILLIORN(?), Budock 76 E. Hodge
Eliz. THOMAS, Budock 13 mos. J.F. Howell
Charity HARRIS, Budock 70 David Jenkins
Alice ALDRIDGE, Budock 81 David Jenkins
Eliz. WARNE, Budock 70 David Jenkins
John THOMAS, Budock 7 Scalded to death in a boiling pan of milk on the floor. David Jenkins
Peter Harvey ARNOLD, Mylor 7 mos. David Jenkins

Ann ARNOLD, Mylor 35 Mother of the above & under-mentioned Peter Harvey & John. David Jenkins
John ARNOLD, Mylor 2 The name of the above is spelt ??? David Jenkins
Ann HILL, Budock 79 David Jenkins
Mr. Thomas HARVEY, Prop. of Kegilliack, BudockAbode:
Belle-vuein the Parish of Paul. 68 J.F. Howell
Eliz. RENFREE, Budock 75 D. Jenkins
Philip MICHELL, Penryn 64 D. Jenkins
Ann MEDLIN, Budock 65 D. Jenkins
John YEOMAN, Mawnan 30 D. Jenkins
Wm. Geo. LEY, Budock 3 mos. D. Jenkins
Sarah-Hannah Balpy BALDOCK, Budock 1 month J.F. Howell
Henry STAMP, Born in the island ofJamaica. Lately returned from the West Indies & d. at Greenbank of a consumption. D. Jenkins
Wm. TRESIDDER, Falmouth 16mos. J.F. Howell
Humphry BARNICOAT, Falmouth 83 D. Jenkins
Eliz. BARNICOAT, Falmouth 71 D. Jenkins
Davy MEDLIN, Budock 72 E. Hodge
Eliz. LAWRENCE, Falmouth 78 D. Jenkins
Nanncy GREEN, Budock 53 D. Jenkins
Mary RICE, Budock 73 D. Jenkins
Alice RYAN, Falmouth 35 D. Jenkins
Rd. DREW, Budock 19 Drowned on Xmas Eve as he was passing across the Swanpool D. Jenkins

Sallly GERISH, Falmouth 43 D. Jenkins
Eliz. MAERTIN, Budock 72 E. Hodge
Alice WARNE, Budock 85 E. Hodge
Martha ANDREW, Budock 85 D. Jenkins
Digory WARNE, Budock 73 D. Jenkins
Mary BLACKWELL, Budock 75 D. Jenkins
James Bakewell WILDBORE, Penryn 79 Minister of a Congregation of Protestant Dissenters at Falmouth during 36 years J. F. Howell
Winifred BROADWAY, Budock Supposed to be between 90 & 100 D. Jenkins
Thomas BOLITHO, Budock 51 D. Jenkins
Bennett PERRY, Budock 57 D. Jenkins
Mary SPIKE, Falmouth 6 D. Jenkins
Wm. SPRIKE, Falmouth 2 E. Hodge
Eliz. RICHARDS, Budock 4 mos. D. Jenkins
Charles MOODY, Budock 31 Capt. 36th Foot, returned from the Mediterranean in a decline & d, at the G. Bk. Hotel D. Jenkins
Fitzroy-Feruson WYNN, Falmouth 10 wks. D. Jenkins
Blanch JOHNS, Budock 61 D. Jenkins
Wm. Henry SYMONS, Bristol 20 D. on return from the W. Indies E. Hodge
John TREMAYNE, Budock 74 E. Hodge
Eliz. BOLITHO, Budock 47 D. Jenkins
Eliz. DUNCUFF, Budock 77 D. Jenkins

Philip SYMONS, Budock 16 D. Jenkins
James THOMAS, Budock 60 E. Hodge
Joseph DREW, Falmouth 28 D. Jenkins
John JAGO, Falmouth 7 mos. E. Hodge
Marianne LOVELOCK, Budock 7 D. Jenkins
Jane CHARLES, Budock 45 D. Jenkins
Wm.ROBINSON, Lt. Col. of the 24th Foot. D. on board the Queensbury Packet at sea D. Jenkins
Thomas PARDON, Budock 55 D. Jenkins
John SIMMONS, Budock 8 mos. D. Jenkins
Patrick RYAN, Falmouth 64 D. Jenkins
Henry PARKYN, Budock 1yr. mos. D. Jenkins
Ann TOY, Budock 84 D. Jenkins
Margaret THOMAS, Budock D. Jenkins
Eliz. DUNN, Veryan 40 Found drowned at the Swanpool in this Parish E. Hodge
Eliz. GOODFELLOW, Budock 52 D. Jenkins
Catherine EDWARDS, Budock 56 D. Jenkins
John MEDLYN, BBudock 78 D. Jenkins
Daniel HIGGINS, Budock 70 (about) D. Jenkins
Francis GEACH, Budock 40 E. Hodge

Catherine MITCHELL, Budock 58 E. Hodge
Richard BARNICOAT, Falmouth 82 D. Jenkins
George BERRIMAN, Falmouth 69 D. Jenkins
Francis SNOW Budock Inf. D. Jenkins
Francis EDWARDS, Budock 52 D. Jenkins
Sarah THOMAS, Budock 59 D. Jenkins
Mary HAYNES, Budock 80 E. Hodge
Thomas DUNSTAN, Constantine 85 D. Jenkins
James MITCHELL, Budock 2 D. Jenkins
James TAYLDER, Budock 40 D. Jenkins
Richard LEAN, Penryn 44 Was killedfalling from the rigging of a vessel. D. Jenkins
Rosanna GEACH, Budock 13 mos. D. Jenkins
John ROWE, Budock 60 D. Jenkins
George MUNRO, Esq., Budock 58 Of Barbice in the W. Indies D. Jenkins
Ann HENLY, Budock 80 E. Hodge
Nicholas HELLINGS, Penryn 59 J.H. Barber, Minister
Edward THORNTON, Penryn 13 J.H. Barber, Minister
Esther WHITE, Budock 40 E. Hodge
Thomas SPARGO, Budock 2 D. Jenkins
Aurelia ELSTONE, Penryn 99 D. Jenkins
Thomas COOMBS, Budock 68 D. Jenkins
Eliz. NINESS, Budock 66 D. Jenkins

Mrs. Jane WILDBORE, Penryn 79 J. Sheepshanks
Christian TRESIDDER, Falmouth 68 J. Sheepshanks
Michael Wm. TROY, Esq., London 35 Died at Green Bank Hotel J. Sheepshanks
Margaret BARNICOAT, Falmouth 84 J. Sheepshanks
John ARNALL, Lt. R.N., Falmouth 46 J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. WARD, Budock 56 J. Sheepshanks
Ann THOMAS, Falmouth 44 J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. PLINT, Budock 70 J. Sheepshanks
Henry GRENFELL, Budock 9 J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. HAWKINS, Budock 71 J. Sheepshanks
John STEPHENS, Falmouth 61 J. Sheepshanks
Mr. Alexander OGLEBY from Lisbon 42 D. at Selley's Hotel, Gn. Bk. J. Sheepshanks
James YEOMAN, Budock 72 J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. HILL, Budock 4 J. Sheepshanks
John HILL, Budock 9 mos. J. Sheepshanks
Richard GOODMAN, Budock 56 J. Sheepshanks
Isabella TRESIDDER, Falmouth 15 J. Sheepshanks
Priscilla RENFREE, Budock 13 J. Sheepshanks

Jane HODGE, Penryn 47 J. Sheepshanks
Richard THOMAS, Budock 94 J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. THOMAS, Budock 77 J. Sheepshanks
Jane GRIGG, Budock 73 E. Hodge
Mr. Peter RENFREE, Budock 81 J. Sheepshanks
Eliza Ann CLEMO, Falmouth 72 J. Sheepshanks
Margaret SKILLICKORN, Falmouth 81 J. Sheepshanks
Mary CROKER, Breague 80 T. Sheepshanks, Curate
Grace HIGGINS, Budock 42 J. Sheepshanks
Mr. Francis GEACH, Bullock 72 J. Sheepshanks
William BARTLETT, Budock 10 wks. J. Sheepshanks
Maria WOODMAN, Budock 2 mos. J. Sheepshanks
William WARD, Budock 4 mos. J. Sheepshanks
Jane SECCOMBE, Budock 50 J. Sheepshanks
John THOMAS, Mawnan 32 T. Sheepshanks
Eliz. Jane RICHARDS, Mabe 15 mos. J. Sheepshanks
Thomas PAWSON, Penryn 74 J. Sheepshanks
Henry RICE, Budock 81 J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. TREBILCOCK, Falmouth 62 J. Sheepshanks
Mary St. AUBYN, Falmouth 70 J. Sheepshanks

Margaret PELLARMIN, Budock 79 J. Sheepshanks
Edward BONE, Budock inf. E. Hodge
Eleanor Sarah GIBSON, Falmouth 3 E. Hodge
Theodore LAWRENCE, Falmouth 81 E. Hodge
Grace PELLOW, Mawnan 60 J. Sheepshanks
Amelia WADE, Budock 11 J. Sheepshanks
Mary Jane GILL, Budock 2 J. Sheepshanks
Jane GEACH, Budock 36 J. Sheepshanks
John Renfree GEACH, Budock 3 wks. J. Sheepshanks
Richard EDWARDS, M.D., Budock 57 J. Sheepshanks
Henry RICHARDS, Budock 6 mos. J. Sheepshanks
John MITCHELL, Budock 8 E. Hodge
Ann BALE, Budock Inf. J. Sheepshanks
James PENLERICK, Budock 34 J. Sheepshanks
Jane WOODMAN, Budock 21 J. Sheepshanks
Edward BONE, Penryn 1 yr. J. Sheepshanks
James MELLAN, Budock 3 mos. J. Sheepshanks
Charles UNIACKE, Nova Scotia (D. 22), 18 Brought from Calais J. Sheepshanks
Banjamin JOHNS, Penryn 80 J. Sheepshanks
Jane WARNE, Falmouth 55 J. Sheepshanks
Mary Ann WADE, Budock 20 E. Hodge
Mary, WILLIAMS, Budock 84 Francis Gregory, Min. of Mawnan
Richard RICHARDS, Budock 30 J. Sheepshanks

Mary YEOMAN, Budock 88 J. Sheepshanks
Jane CHARLES, Falmouth 23 J. Sheepshanks
Wm. Christopher OATES, Budock 13 wks. E. Hodge
Philip CHARLES, Budock 20 J. Sheepshanks
John CHARLES, Budock 6 J. Sheepshanks
Mary MIDLEN, Budock 6 J. Sheepshanks
James Chapple BAWDEN, Budock 17 J. Sheepshanks
Garce PARDON, Budock 4 J. Sheepshanks
James PELLOWE, Llanhydr 19 J. Sheepshanks
John PELLOWE, Llanhydr 24 J. Sheepshanks
James Pascoe GUNDRY, Budock 11 E.Hodge
William JOHNS, Budock 84 J. Sheepshanks
Edward MARTIN, Budock 81 J. Sheepshanks
John WADE, Budock 53 J. Sheepshanks
James WILLS, Budock 7 J. Sheepshanks
Eleanor WILLS, Budock 2 J. Sheepshanks
Susan ROBERTS, Penryn 18 E. Hodge
Amelia SPARGO, Penryn 4 J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. BOX, Budock 90 J. Sheepshanks
Philippa Grace HOCKING, Budock 2 E. Hodge
Edeard DREW, Falmouth 80 J. Sheepshanks
Mary BARNET, Budock 67 J. Sheepshanks
Alfred GEACH, Budock 2 mos. H. Atkinson, Curate
Lucy Carlyon PASCOE, Falmouth 8 mos. J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. THOMAS, Mawnan 88 J. Sheepshanks
Thomas STEPHENS, Budock 10 mos. J. Sheepshanks
Ann SHEARS, Budock 8 mos. H. Atkinson

Kitty SPARGO, Budock 55 J. Sheepshanks
Gore Whitelocke OUSELEY, Passenger from Lisbon 22 J. Sheepshanks
Cordelia ROWE, Budock 22 H. Atinson
Aaron SIMMONDS, Budock 3 J. Sheepshanks
Charles BOSANQUET, Penryn 2 J. Sheepshanks
Mary BUSWARLICK, Budock, 72 H. Atkinson
John MAY, Budock 53 H. Atkinson
John Thomas BOSANQUET, Penryn 8 mos. H. Atkinson
John DREW, Falmouth 57 J. Sheepshanks
Peggy COOMBE, Budock 57 J. Sheepshanks
Maria PERRY, Mylor 47 H. Atkinson
Mary COLLIVER, Falmouth 27 G. Kemp, Min. Penwerris Ch.
Henry GOODMAN, Budock 22 G. Kemp, Min. Penwerris Ch.
Mary GEACH, Budock 74 H. Atkinson
Susanna PRISEAUX, Budock, 5 J.Sheepshanks
Michael COLLIVER?, Falmouth 63 Sheepshanks
John WEBBER, Penryn 64 G. Kemp
Catherine THOMAS, Penryn 1 mo. J. Sheepshanks

Eliz. RICHARDS, Budock 80 W. Atkinson
Eliz. PELLOW, Penryn 88 J. Sheepshanks
John CHING, Budock 75 J. Sheepshanks
Mary MITCHELL, Falmouth 66 J. Sheepshanks
Peter Bown HARRIS Esq., Rosemerryn, Budock 63 J. Sheepshanks
James Alfred STEPHENS, Budock 1yr 6mos. J. Sheepshanks
John BONE, Penryn 5 E. Hodge
Charlotte PRAED HARRIS, Falmouth 40 J. Sheepshanks
Thomas ANNEAR, Penryn 23 J. Sheepshanks
Sampson DENNIS, Penwerris, Budock 52 G. Kemp
Robert LOVELOCK, Budock 80 J. Sheepshanks
Richard Thomas RICHARDS, Budock 2 G. Kemp
James EDWARDS, St. Gluvias 68 G. Kemp
John SIMMONS, Budock 48 G. Kemp
Christopher VIVIAN, Mabe 2 J. Sheepshanks
Joseph Billing ROWE, Falmouth 18 J. Sheepshanks
George Henry BERRYMAN, Mawgan 1 G. Kemp
Man unknown, washed on shore at Mainporth in this Parish on
Monday, 6, supposed to have belonged to a vessel wrecked during a violent gale on the night of the preceding Sunday. G. Kemp
Eliz. COOMBS, Budock 6 J. Sheepshanks
Man unknown washed on shore in this Parish 8th. & supposed to have belonged to a vessel wreckcd during the gale above mentioned. G. Kemp
Man unknown belonging to the Matilda & Susan & washed on shore from its wrecks J. Sheepshanks
Man unknown taken up floating on the sea at Mainporth in this Parish. G. Kemp.

Mary DUNCALF, Budock 71 H. Atkinson
Susan LEAN, Budock 48 J. Sheepshanks
Jane ROWE, Budock 5 H.Atkinson
James MELLAN, Penryn 73 G. Kemp
Eliz. YEOMAN, Mawnan 79 H. Atkinson
Annette Emma SYMONS, Budock 1 G. Kemp
Charles HARDY, Budock 1 J. Sheepshanks
James TAYLDER, Budock 78 J. Sheepshanks
?0 Henry COPLIN, Penryn 57 G. Kemp
Nancy PORTEOUS, Falmouth - L. Matthias, Curate
Thomas WARNE, St. Gluvias 47 J. Sheepshanks
Mary BOLITHO, Penryn 88 J. Sheepshanks
Wm. CAREY, Penryn 62 J. Sheepshanks
Mary GOFFE, Falmouth 43 J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. VENNARD, Budock Inf. G. Kemp
Ann SAVAGE, Budock 14 G. Kemp
Samuel YEOMAN, Budock 45 G. Kemp
Sophia H. COLLIVER, Falmouth 16 J. Sheepshanks
John THOMAS ANAR, Penryn 5 mos. H. Atkinson
Cath. JOB, Falmouth 78 H. Atkinson
Ann BARNICOAT, Falmouth 56 J. Sheepshanks

Thomas A. HALE, Budock 21 (D. at Selley's Hotel Gn. Bk.) G. Kemp
Archibald Seaton COLQUHOUN, Budock 18 (From Harting (?) N. Britain) J. Sheepshanks
Jan.24 Mary HILL, Budock 36 J. Sheepshanks
John KIDD, Budock 5 wks.. J. Sheepshanks
George PEARCE, Budock 79 J. Sheepshanks
Joseph STEPHENS, Falmouth 1 J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. Bannock STEPHENS, Constantine 13 mos. G. Kemp
Benj COLLINS, Budock 24 G. Kemp
Lt. Col. William FENWICK, Pendennis Castle, Budock 55 J. Sheepshanks
Mary RENFREE, Budock 85 G. Kemp
Richard John JAMES, Budock 1 G.Kemp
Robert William HILL, Budock 34 G. Kemp
Thomas HIGGINS, Falmouth 29 G. Kemp
William Anthony THOMAS, Budock Inf. G. Kemp
Mary Jane SPARGO, Budock 3 E.Hodge
Thomas Smale SKINNER, Falmouth 6 J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. COCK, Budock 20 mos. G.Kemp
Anne Grey WILLIAMSON, Budock 7 G.Kemp
Humphrey BARNICOAT, Falmouth 54 J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. Ann MALLET, Penryn 7 mos. G. Kemp
Wm. Thos. PARDON, Falmouth 39 G. Kemp
William JOHNS, Budock 5½ J. Sheepshanks
Jane HORIAN(?), Budock 20 J. Sheepshanks
Ann PEARCE, Falmouth 15 J. Sheepshanks
Sophia JONES(?), Falmouth 1 E. Hodge

Thomas PASCOE, Falmouth 2 G. Kemp
Christopher GUNN, Penryn 75 J. Sheepshanks
Richard Nichills(?) MANNEL, Falmouth 9 J. Sheepshanks
William Henry MALLETT, Budock 4 J. Sheepshanks
Olympas DOBLE, Falmouth 21 G. Kemp
William ANNEAR, Penryn 28 J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. ROBERTS, Budock 20 J. Sheepshanks
Philippa HICKING, Budock 77 J. Sheepshanks
John THOMAS, Budock 75 J. Sheepshanks
John KIDD, Budock 78 G. Kemp
Margaret REES, Budock 4 G. Kemp
William MELLEN, Penryn 41 J. Sheepshanks
Samuel TRIPCONEY, Budock 20 mos. J. Sheepshanks
John HAMILTON, Budock 3 G. Kemp
Edward BONE, Penryn 5 J. Sheepshanks
Joseph JAMES, Budock 3 H. Atkinson
Ann DYER, Budock 66 J. Sheepshanks
James THOMAS, Budock 72 J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. LAMPSKIN, Budock 1 G. Kemp
Robert SPARGO, Budock 66 G. Kemp
Eliza TRESIDDER, Budock 5 J. Sheepshanks
Grace WILLS, Falmouth 25 J. Sheepshanks
Susan PEARCE, Penryn 1 G.Kemp
Eliz. RICE, Budock 59 G. Kemp
Juliana BISHOP, Budock 1 G. Kemp
Henry GOODMAN, Mabe 3 G. Kemp

William RENFREE, Budock 25 G. Kemp
Mary HEATH, Budock 95 J. Sheepshanks
Peter MITCHELL, Budock 71 J. Sheepshanks
James Luforey NEWMAN, Budock 4 mos. J. Sheepshanks
William Thomas RICHARDS, Penryn 8 mos. H. Atkinson
Eliz. Dorothea JAMES, Falmouth 9 E. Hodge
Eliz. LAWRY, Budock 34 G. Kemp
Joseph ANNEAR, Penryn 24 J. Sheepshanks
Grace BONE, Budock 72 J. Sheepshanks
William James YEOMAN, Budock 2 H. Atkinson
Fanny Maria JONES, Falmouth 9 mos. G. Kemp
Anna SAUNDERS, Mainport 2 mos. H. Atkinson
Leda Jane MYLING, Budock 3 J. Sheepshanks
Eliz.NORMAN, Penryn 54 G.Kemp
Henrietta SMALLWOOD, Budock 49 (D. Selley's Hotel from Jamaica) J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. BONE, Penryn 40 E. Hodge
Maria del Carme de Urraia, a Spaniard from Selley's Hotel, d. of ? Jose ?nz & Anna Maria, his wife 4 mos. J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. WAKFER, Budock 83 G. Kemp
David McCOLE, Budock 27 J. Sheepshanks
Jane Bawden COPLIN, Falmouth 3 mos. E. Hodge
Walter PERRY, Budock 5 mos. J. Sheepshanks
John JOHNS, Budock 3 mos. J. Sheepshanks
Mr. Ephraim WEYMOUTH, Budock 58 J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. Emma GOODMAN, Budock 3 days H. Atkinson
Thomas NEWCOMBE, Budock 63 J. Sheepshanks
John DUNSTAN, Falmouth 65 J. Sheepshanks
John SPARGO, Budock 12 H. Atkinson

James CLARKE, Budock 73 G. Kemp
Eliz. SANDAL, Penw., Budock 70 H. Atkinson
Jane HARVEY, Paul. 73 G. Kemp
Jane CHRISTOPHERS, Budock 66 J. Sheepshanks
James MEDLIN, Budock 75 G. Kemp
Louisa Jane SKEWES, Penryn 1 G. Kemp
John Symonds SCOTT, Penw., Budock 1 mo. J. Sheepshanks
Richard COOMBE, Penryn 64 J. Sheepshanks
Alice BERRYMAN, Mawgan 75 E. Hodge
Sarah THOMAS, Budock 80 G. Kemp
Eliz. BULLOCKE, Falmouth 80 G. Kemp
Henry MORPHEW, Budock 20 G. Kemp
Grace THOMAS, Budock 4 G. Kemp
William BONE, Budock 42 J. Sheepshanks
Cath. ELLIOT, Budock 67 G.Kemp
Josiah RICHARDS, Penryn 16 J. Sheepshanks
Thomas SIMMONS, Penryn 2 G.Kemp
John SHARE, Budock 6 mos. J. Sheepshanks
Harriet Ann RICHARDS, Budock 9 R.B. Kinsman
John JOHNS, Budock 47 J. Sheepshanks
Mary JONES, Budock 25 J. Sheepshanks
Henry Tremenhere COMMINS, Budock 51 G.Kemp
Cath. Mary AYRE, Penwerris,Budock 5 mos. J. Sheepshanks
Frances FALCK, Budock 83 J. Sheepshanks

Thomas HOCKING, Budock 5 mos. J. Sheepshanks
John OLVER, Budock 4yr. 9mos. R.B. Kinsman
John CHRISTOPHERS, Budock 45 R.B. Kinsman
Kitty REILEY, Budock 45 R.B. Kinsman
Eliz. MEDLEN, Budock 90 J. Rogers, Min. of Mawnan
John Ashton DENNIS, Falmouth 22 R.B. Kinsman, Curate
Eliz. PORTEOUS, Falmouth 19 R.B. Kinsman, Curate
Diana POTTER, Budock 96 R.B. Kinsman, Curate
Thomas John STEPHENS, Budock 4 mos. R.B. Kinsman, Curate
Jane DREW, Falmouth 66 R.B. Kinsman, Curate
Wm. Myling RICHARDS, Budock 1 J. Sheepshanks
George BERRYMAN, Penryn 4 R.B. Kinsman
John TUCKER, Budock 25 R.B. Kinsman
John RENFREE, Budock 33 R.B. Kinsman
Eliz. WILLS, Budock 6 R.B. Kinsman
Eliza Jane COLLINS, Budock 3 R.B. Kinsman
Wm. PUGSLEY, Budock 17 mos. R.B. Kinsman
Matilda Jane Wyldbore BANNISTER, Budock 8 mos. J. Sheepshanks
John Stevens OLIVER, Green Bank, Budock 4 J. Sheepshanks
Mary Ellen STEPHENS, Crill, Budock 10 J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. SYMMONS, Budock 3 J.D. Hurst, Min.
James TRIPCONEY, Budock 53 J. Sheepshanks
Alice PRYOR, Budock 78 R.B. Kinsman
John Dunstan BERRYMAN, Penryn 2 yrs. mos. G. Kemp
Thomas BOSWARRICK, Penryn 7 mos. R.B. Kinsman
Henry RULE, Budock 3 mos. R.B. Kinsman

Mary Jane MALLET, Penryn 9 R.B. Kinsman
Eliz. THOMAS, Budock 3 mos. R.B. Kinsman
Eliz. FIEST, Budock 80 J.D. Hurst
Charlotte Warne alias Lawry, Budock 39 R.B. Kinsman
Margaret RICE, Budock 56 R.B. Kinsman
Julianna BISHOP, Budock 38 R.B. Kinsman
Henry WEYMOUTH, Budock 12 R.B. Kinsman
Henry RICHARDS, Budock Inf. R.B. Kinsman
Wm. GOODMAN, Budock 41 R.B. Kinsman
Eliz. MITCHELL, Budock 84 J. Sheepshanks
Thomas STEPHENS, Budock 78 J.D. Hurst
Edward Joseph Sowell LAWRENCE, Budock 2 R.B. Kinsman
John CHRISTOPHERS, Budock 9 mos. J. Sheepshanks
Grace RICHARDS, Budock 83 R.B. Kinsman
Jane PEARCE, Budock 8 J. Sheepshanks
Matilda Sarah Jane BANNISTER, Penw., Budock 31 J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. ROSKILLY, Town of Falmouth 73 R.B. Kinsman
Emma VIVIAN, Parish of Falmouth 27 R.B. Kinsman
Mary Priscilla BARNICOAT, Budock 3 mos. J. Sheepshanks
Sophia MITCHELL, Budock 23 J. Sheepshanks
Richard Foster BREED, Falmouth, but of Liverpool 19 R.B. Kinsman
Joseph Dennis VIVIAN, Falmouth 2 yrs. mos. R.B. Kinsman
William FLUX, Budock 60 R.B. Kinsman
Ann Roberts GRENFELL, Budock 30 G.Kemp
Ann COOMB, Penryn 56 G. Kemp
Kitty Ann SPARGO, Penryn 5 R.B. Kinsman
Mary SYMMONS, Budock 70 R.B. Kinsman
Wm. PASCOE,Falmouth 17 mos. R.B. Kinsman
John DAGWORTHY, Budock 79 R.B. Kinsman
Philippa HOCKING, Budock 4 R.B. Kinsman

Thomas PASCOE, Falmouth 20 mos. J. Sheepshanks
Eliz. Ann HARVEY, Parish of Falmouth 3 R.B. Kinsman
Charles Parkyn NICHOLLS, Budock 6 wks. G. Kemp
Mary Ann Julia HILYER(?), Budock 2 G. Kemp
Robert GOODFELLOW, Budock 71 R.B. Kinsman
Wm. Henry BRAY, Budock 2 wks. R.B. Kinsman
James THOMAS, Budock 4 J. Sheepshanks
Wm. THERRATT, Budock 64 R.B. Kinsman
Isabella MONTGOMERY, Budock 69 R.B. Kinsman
Samuel THOMAS, Budock 11 R.B. Kinsman
Joseph Wm. CLARKE, Budock 14 mos. R.B. Kinsman
Ellen Mary MITCHELL, Falmouth 18 mos. R.B. Kinsman
Ann BAWDEN, Penryn 49 G. Kemp, Min. Penwerris Chapel
William PELLOWE, Penryn 60 R.B. Kinsman
Benjamin STEPHENS, Falmouth 71 R.B. Kinsman
James HARVEY, Budock 53 R.B. Kinsman
Edward SYMONS, Falmouth (died suddenly in Budock) 77 R.B. Kinsman
Eliz. DREW, Falmouth 35
Eliz. STEPHENS, Budock 5 wks.
Lewis O'BRIEN, Budock, but of Ireland (Ensign 76th Regt.) 23 R.B. Kinsman
Grace GLASSON, Budock 69
Grace PASCOE, Budock 71
John DAVEY, Budock 78