Pictures from China (abridged version)

19 Sep - 3 Oct 2013.

The pictures in this directory are all of our visit to China. The total number of pictures has been cut from over 1000 to the best 100. The videos have also been edited and some deleted.

The originals are all around 5Mb long, and each will take some minutes to download to your local PC, as the uploading speed is slow from my PC. The ones shown below are around one hundredth of the original size.

To copy these small pictures to your local PC, put your cursor onto the picture, click with the RIGHT mouse button, and select "Save Image As ...". You can then leave the filename the same, or change it to something different.
For the full size picture, click with the LEFT mouse button. This will open the large picture in a new window, then RIGHT click for the option to save the image.
All the pictures are available at full size.

To get access to the videos, open this link to the video files, click on a video with the RIGHT hand mouse button, then choose 'Saved linked content as...' The video will download to the area you name (probably 'desktop'), and can then be viewed.